Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray


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Memorial Headstone, Hasler, Max Daniel

Status: Located

File nameMemorial Headstone, Hasler, Max Daniel, 002.jpg
File Size4.02m
Dimensions4032 x 2797
Linked toPrairie Chapel Cemetery, Lyons, Greene County, Indiana; Hasler, Max Daniel (Burial)

Prairie Chapel Cemetery, Lyons, Greene County, Indiana, United States of America

Notes: This is the location of Prairie Chapel Church. Cemetery Location has NOT been verified.

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
1 Entrance, Prairie Chapel Cemetery, Lyons, Greene County, Indiana
2 Headstone, Bailey, Frank Murl and Alice Hasler
3 Headstone, Bays, Mildred Hasler and Billy D.
4 Headstone, Borter, Earl E. and Golda E.
5 Headstone, Burcham, Sabina
6 Headstone, Hall, Gerald V. and Farol C.
7 Headstone, Hasler, Cleatus B. and Joy Fern
8 Headstone, Hasler, David L. and L. Margaret
9 Headstone, Hasler, Donald E.
10 Headstone, Hasler, Eli Rex, Ruby Wright, William Lewis
11 Headstone, Hasler, Fern G. and Frank C.
12 Headstone, Hasler, Fern G. and Frank C.
13 Headstone, Hasler, Frances A.
14 Headstone, Hasler, Garland F. and Virginia M.
15 Headstone, Hasler, Gerald Wayne
16 Headstone, Hasler, Henry, Grace, Rasho, and Johny
17 Headstone, Hasler, Henry, Grace, Rasho, and Johny
18 Headstone, Hasler, Jack
19 Headstone, Hasler, James R. and M. Marie
20 Headstone, Hasler, Karon Ann and Larry Dean
21 Headstone, Hasler, Karon Ann and Larry Dean
22 Headstone, Hasler, Lee M. and Betty L.
23 Headstone, Hasler, Linda M. Yake
24 Headstone, Hasler, Marlin Dale
25 Headstone, Hasler, Marlin Dale
26 Headstone, Hasler, Pauline Carpenter and Marlin Dale 'Gabby'
27 Headstone, Hasler, Ralph Lee
28 Headstone, Hasler, Rita K.
29 Headstone, Hasler, Sarah, Martha A., Christian, and Florence
30 Headstone, Hasler, Victor, Bonnie, and Max D.
31 Headstone, Hasler, Willard Lewis
32 Headstone, Hasler, Wm. Fredrick and Martha Nona
33 Headstone, Lucas, Connie Sue Hasler
34 Headstone, Soliday, Opal June (Hasler)
35 Headstone, Soliday, Richard Lee
36 Headstone, Wesner, John A. and Tressa M.
37 Memorial Headstone, Hasler, Max Daniel

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