Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies


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Members, Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Post 270

Top row--left to right-- Thomas Viskniskki, Company G, 18th Illinois Infantry; Jerre McKinney, Co. D 11th Mo. Inf; J.B. Smith, Co. K 40th Ill. Inf; Wm Eden, Co K 83rd Ind Inf; George Robins, Co. I 175th O. Inf.; R. L. Gibbs, Co. M 2nd N.J Cav.; R. F. Campbell, teamster.

Lower row--left to right--D. N. Soules, Co. A, 96th O. Inf.; J. E. McIlvain, Co. F 7th Ind Inf.; R. Hearst, Co K, 40th Ill. Inf.; A. G. Browne, Co. G 21st Ill. Inf.

Kneeling--Mrs. Bess Denton, who presided at the piano throughout the services, and Mayor Easley, who had charge of the services and by his good work the program was the best we ever had.

W. J. Payne, Spanish-American veteran, color bearer.

Other veterans who were at the services but not in the above picture are: Chas Thornton, Geo. Wilson, and A. Kiser. It was intended for all those present at the services to be in the above, but through a misunderstanding, they did not get in.

Contributed by Barbara Julien

File nameMembers, Post 270.JPG
File Size1.43m
Dimensions1999 x 1431
Linked toBrowne, Albert G. (Name); Campbell, Robert Francis (Name); Eden, William (Name); Gibbs, Robert L. (Name); Hearst, R. (Name); Kiser, Albert R. (Name); Lackey, K. (Name); McIlvain, James E. (Name); McKinney, Jerry 'Jere' (Name); Payne, Besse L. (Name); Payne, W. J. (Name); Rubins, George (Name); Smith, J.B. (Name); Soules, David Neer 'Davy' (Name); Thornton, Charles G. (Name); Viskniskki, Thomas (Name); Wilson, George W. (Name)

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