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 | B&O Train Depot, Clay City, Illinois
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Clay City High School in the 1950's
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Clayton Theater, Clay City, Illinois
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Coggan's Store
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Coggan's Store
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Custard Stand, Clay City, Illinois
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Custard Stand, Clay City, Illinois
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | First Clay County Courthouse, Maysville, Illinois
First Clay County Courthouse, Maysville
Scanned from the book Prairie Echo II, Clay County, Illinois, 1977
Caption says "First Clay County Courthouse, Maysville. Original painting hangs in the Courthouse at Louisville."
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
9 |
 | Hunley's Farm Equipment
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
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 | Lynn Pearce's Barn, Clay City, Illinois
Damaged by a tornado
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Rubble from the Clay City Depot
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Rubble from the Clay City Depot
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Rubble from the Clay City Depot
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Rubble from the Clay City Depot
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Sunday's Ice Cream Parlor
Contributed by Doris (Mayo) Bissey
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 | Carroll Duff
Carroll Duff inspecting a scoop shovel in Duff's Feed Store, Clay City, Illinois
Displayed with permission of Lady in Black
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 | Clay City Civil War Veterans (GAR), 1909
Contributed by Donna Moseley Sarama
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 | Clay City Civil War Veterans (GAR), year unknown
Contributed by Donna Moseley Sarama
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 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Black, R.
- Chaffin, G.J.
- Combs, L.H.L.
- Cook, Gerald L. 'Curly'
- Fleenor, S.L.
- Gaskin, S.
- Glover, E.
- Goings, Frances Kay
- Good, D.P.
- Gray, L.
- Hildebrand, Larry
- Hildebrand, S.
- Hildebrand, T.
- Hohlbauch, B.
- Hunley, Ronald D. 'Ron'
- Kilmer, B.
- Lawrence, K.S.
- Lents, D.
- Matheny, L.
- McDowell, Linda Kay
- Moseley, R.
- Murbarger, D.
- Murbarger, E.
- Murbarger, P.
- Murvin, M.
- Padgett, M.
- Patterson, Linda May
- Payne, M.S.
- Persinger, Deloris K.
- Rudder, Carolyn J.
- Sharp, R.E.R.
- Slover, B.
- Smith, S.
- Strange, L.
- Toler, K.
- Toler, T.
- Walker, Barbara Ann
- Watson, N.R.
- Weidner, R.
- Wigley, D.
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 | Clay City GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) Members
Displayed with permission of Mike Ragan
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 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
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 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Bokenkamp, J.W.J.
- Bradley, B.J.
- Brainard, Glen Owen
- Bricker, Harold Glenn
- Bufkin, D.
- Edwards, B.
- Gray, Elsie Leona
- Harris, Donald Ray
- Heninger, E.
- Hiser, Patsy Joyce
- Hunley, Jack Dwayne 'Jackie'
- McDowell, Louemma
- Mitchell, Grace Marie 'Gracie'
- Moseley, Norman Dale
- Pettyjohn, Loretta Pauline
- Scammahorn, Glenn
- Stanford, Wilma M.
- Striegel, Jo Ann
- Yauch, Bernice M.
24 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Amerman, L.
- Craig, Calvert Joseph 'C. J.'
- Davis, B.
- Driggers, A.
- Duff, J.E.
- Harris, V.
- Holhbauch, C.
- Hunley, Patricia Ann 'Patti'
- McDowell, R.R.R.
- Milligan, P.P.
- Patridge, C.W. Jr.
- Rosenlieb, Cheryl
- Schnautz, P.D.
- Sharp, Kenneth Roy 'Buster'
- Stanford, D.
- Toler, G.
- Weidner, D.D.
- Wells, K.K.
25 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Bokenkamp, J.W.J.
- Bradley, B.J.
- Brainard, Glen Owen
- Brown, P.N.
- Clark, K.
- Edwards, B.
- Harris, Donald Ray
- Heninger, E.
- Hoover, J.
- Hunley, Jack Dwayne 'Jackie'
- Love, J.
- Mayden, Frank Lee
- McDowell, Jo Ann
- Miller, Donald T.
- Miller, Patricia Lou 'Patty'
- Murvin, Norma Jayne
- Padgett, Roy Andrew
- Schwartz, Richard N. 'Rick'
- Stanford, Wilma M.
26 |
 | Clay City High School, 1937 (later became Clay City Elementary School)
Contributed by Donna Moseley Sarama
27 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Amerman, L.
- Bones, J.D. III
- Cook, D.W.
- Craig, Calvert Joseph 'C. J.'
- Craig, K.
- Doris, R.
- Duff, J.E.
- Dungan, B.
- Fehrenbacher, Delmar Byron
- Gordon, S.D.
- Harris, V.
- Haught, Terry
- Henderson, B.D.
- Hohlbauch, C.C.
- Housley, J.
- Hunley, Patricia Ann 'Patti'
- Keck, Linda Marie
- King, Elaine R.
- LONG, J.A.
- McDowell, R.R.R.
- Michaels, B.
- Milligan, P.P.
- Mitchell, D.M.
- Patridge, C.W. Jr.
- Powell, Sandra K.
- Rose, D.
- Rosenlieb, Cheryl
- Rosenlieb, Sandra 'Sandy'
- Sharp, Kenneth Roy 'Buster'
- Stanford, D.
- Thomas, P.
- Walker, Jack C.
- Weidner, D.D.
- Weidner, R.
- Weiler, Richard 'Rick'
- Weiler, W.A.
- Wells, K.
- Wiley, S.
28 |
 | Clay City High School, Clay City, Illinois
Displayed with permission of Mike Ragan
29 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Ballard, Henry C.
- Barnett, James N.
- Bryan, William H.
- Bryant, Quinten J.
- Carder, John J.
- Carter, Parkson
- Chapman, James H.
- Clark, John W.
- Cook, H.H.
- Courtwright, John
- Craig, John W.
- Devore, David J.
- Edmondson, William F.
- Ewing, William D.
- Hanna, Aaron
- Holman, John
- Ingraham, William J.
- Kenley, Newton S.
- Livingston, John C.
- McDonald, Thompson
- Nay, Wesley C.
- Pishall, Lemuel W.
- Pishall, Samuel H.
- Stanley, C.
- Trimmer, James W.
30 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Archibald, Henry W.
- Ballard, Henry C.
- Barnett, James N.
- Bayler, Jeremiah
- Bones, John
- Bryan, William H.
- Bryant, Quinten J.
- Bussard, Nathan T.
- Carder, John J.
- Carter, Parkson
- Chapman, James H.
- Clark, John W.
- Cook, H.H.
- Courtwright, John
- Craig, John W.
- Devore, David J.
- Edmondson, William F.
- Ewing, William D.
- Hanna, Aaron
- Holman, John
- Ingraham, William J.
- Jackson, James S.
- Jenkins, Alex M.
- Jones, Silas
- Kenley, Newton S.
- Kittle, George
- Knoles, James R.
- Livingston, John C.
- Manker, John W.
- Marshall, James R.
- Marshall, Squire
- McDonald, Thompson
- McKinney, Robert P.
- Miller, Aaron
- Miller, Crawford C.
- Murphy, James
- Nay, Wesley C.
- Orman, George W.
- Pishall, Lemuel W.
- Pishall, Samuel H.
- Porter, David K.
- Rogers, Lot S.
- Rude, James K.
- Self, Josephus
- Slack, William
- Stanley, C.
- Stull, Erhart
- Taylor, Stephen
- Toliver, Francis M.
- Trimmer, James W.
['More Links'] |
31 |
 | Clay City Veterans Memorial, Mills Park, Clay City, Illinois
(West Side, Right Panel)
Contributed by Carl Wayne Gray
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Archibald, Henry W.
- Bayler, Jeremiah
- Bones, John
- Bussard, Nathan T.
- Jackson, James S.
- Jenkins, Alex M.
- Jones, Silas
- Kittle, George
- Knoles, James R.
- Manker, John W.
- Marshall, James R.
- Marshall, Squire
- McKinney, Robert P.
- Miller, Aaron
- Miller, Crawford C.
- Murphy, James
- Orman, George W.
- Porter, David K.
- Rogers, Lot S.
- Rude, James K.
- Self, Josephus
- Slack, William
- Stull, Erhart
- Taylor, Stephen
- Toliver, Francis M.
- Utterback, Menville T.
- White, Reuben M.
32 |
 | Clay City Veterans Memorial, Mills Park, Clay City, Illinois
(East Side, Left Panel)
Contributed by Carl Wayne Gray
33 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Bates, Cy D.
- Brainard, Marvin Henry
- Bricker, Kenneth Ray
- Camp, Joseph Oscar
- Clingingsmith, Alfred
- Elrod, Stephen
- Fry, Roy Harrison
- Gray, William Ralph
- Grove, Charles E. Jr.
- Hagen, David Lloyd
- Hale, John W.
- Henderson, Curtis McKee
- Lee, Silas H.
- Nully, Sanford
- Quertermous, Frank Harold
- Rosenberg, George O.
- Wease, Frank Leo
- Weaver, David
- YOUNG, Oscar Lee
34 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Brainard, Marvin Henry
- Bricker, Kenneth Ray
- Camp, Joseph Oscar
- Fry, Roy Harrison
- Gray, William Ralph
- Grove, Charles E. Jr.
- Hagen, David Lloyd
- Henderson, Curtis McKee
- Quertermous, Frank Harold
- Rosenberg, George O.
- Wease, Frank Leo
- YOUNG, Oscar Lee
35 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Clay City, Clay County, Illinois
- Archibald, Henry W.
- Ballard, Henry C.
- Barnett, James N.
- Bayler, Jeremiah
- Bones, John
- Bryan, William H.
- Bryant, Quinten J.
- Bussard, Nathan T.
- Carder, John J.
- Chapman, James H.
- Clark, John W.
- Cook, H.H.
- Courtwright, John
- Craig, John W.
- Devore, David J.
- Edmondson, William F.
- Ewing, William D.
- Hanna, Aaron
- Holman, John
- Ingraham, William J.
- Jackson, James S.
- Jenkins, Alex M.
- Kenley, Newton S.
- Kittle, George
- Knoles, James R.
- Livingston, John C.
- Manker, John W.
- Marshall, James R.
- Marshall, Squire
- McDonald, Thompson
- McKinney, Robert P.
- Miller, Aaron
- Miller, Crawford C.
- Murphy, James
- Nay, Wesley C.
- Orman, George W.
- Pishall, Lemuel W.
- Pishall, Samuel H.
- Porter, David K.
- Rogers, Lot S.
- Rude, James K.
- Self, Josephus
- Slack, William
- Stanley, C.
- Stull, Erhart
- Taylor, Stephen
- Toliver, Francis M.
- Trimmer, James W.
- Utterback, Menville T.
- White, Reuben M.
['More Links'] |
36 |
 | Living At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
- Bangert, C.
- Bangert, J.
- Bricker, Roy David
- Colclasure, K.
- Griffin, B.
- Herdes, D.
- Hunt, K.
- Kuenstler, M.M.
- Laird, J.C.
- Miller, W.E.W.
- Noblet, R.V.
- Phillips, A.
- Roe, T.
- SCHNEPPER, Jeanie Marie
- Thomas, S.L.
- Weaver, D.
37 |
 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
47 |
 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
This was the location of Clay City Glass Company; a Teen Center; and later a Laundromat. This landmark no longer exists.
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell
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 | Clay City, Illinois Landmarks
Contributed by Leona Mae McDowell