Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Valhalla Gardens of Memory and Mausoleum, Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.5307673, Longitude: -90.0358782


Matches 1 to 14 of 14

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Anderson, Frank B.  I40286
2 Burton, Nora M.  I35819
3 COGGAN, Bernard Theophilis  I29630
4 Crow, Mabel Louise  I10461
5 Davis, Charles Lester  I45608
6 Dehart, Genelle  I11013
7 KENNEDY, Robert Dean  I45610
8 KRAFT, Justin  I49071
9 Moore, Paul R.  I10466
10 PEARCE, Nellie Ann  I29871
11 Powell, Sandra K.  15 Dec 2020I46660
12 Prott, Della  I45609
13 Tarr, Robert W.  I35820
14 Wilson, Mary Zilphia  I9500