Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Thomas Anderson Cemetery, Palmer, Christian County, Illinois



Latitude: 39.5672183, Longitude: -89.3226954


Headstone, Warren, Louva M. and L. Timothy
Headstone, Warren, Louva M. and L. Timothy
Headstone, Warren, Elmer L.
Headstone, Warren, Elmer L.
Headstone, Warren, Clarence
Headstone, Warren, Clarence
Headstone, Warren, Mabel
Headstone, Warren, Mabel
Headstone, McIntosh, J. Walter and Lucille B.
Headstone, McIntosh, J. Walter and Lucille B.


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Huddleson, Louva Marie 'Laura'  I14284
2 McIntosh, J. Walter  I36410
3 Warren, Clarence Raymond  I14196
4 Warren, Elmer Leroy 'Pete'  I36453
5 Warren, Leander Timothy 'Tim'  I14192
6 Warren, Lucille Blanche  21 Feb 2008I36452
7 Warren, Mabel  I36447

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