Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Poplar Bluff Cemetery, Poplar Bluff, Butler County, Missouri



Latitude: 36.7507524, Longitude: -90.408765


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Coonce, Virgil C.  19 May 1924I52024


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Bryan, James William  I35810
2 Coonce, Floyd Ward  I43499
3 Coonce, William Coyne  I52016
4 ENNIS, Melvin  I41122
5 Kennedy, Walter Howe  I28826
6 Williams, Marcella Mae  I35809