Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Onstott Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.6358808, Longitude: -88.6347744


Headstone, Baity, Barbara Jane Smith Akes
Headstone, Baity, Barbara Jane Smith Akes
Headstone, Smith, Robert Roscoe
Headstone, Smith, Robert Roscoe
Headstone, Baity, George
Headstone, Baity, George
Headstone, Baity, Alexander
Headstone, Baity, Alexander
Headstone, Baity, Elizabeth
Headstone, Baity, Elizabeth
Headstone, Baity, James
Headstone, Baity, James
Headstone, Baity, Sarah
Headstone, Baity, Sarah
Headstone, Baity, Henry
Headstone, Baity, Henry
Headstone, Baity, Ellery
Headstone, Baity, Ellery
Headstone, Baity, Enos
Headstone, Baity, Enos
Headstone, Baity, Eliza
Headstone, Baity, Eliza
Headstone, Baity, Rebecca
Headstone, Baity, Rebecca
Headstone, Dudman, Sally
Headstone, Dudman, Sally
Headstone, Dudman, Enos Manford
Headstone, Dudman, Enos Manford
Note: Son of W. & S. Age: 3 m, 5 d.
Headstone, Greenwood, Elizabeth
Headstone, Greenwood, Elizabeth
Headstone, Greenwood, George A.
Headstone, Greenwood, George A.
Headstone, Parish, Susan Holman
Headstone, Parish, Susan Holman
Headstone, Parish, Lorenzo
Headstone, Parish, Lorenzo
Headstone, Baity, John
Headstone, Baity, John
Headstone, Baity, Mary Ann
Headstone, Baity, Mary Ann
Headstone, Baity, James A.
Headstone, Baity, James A.
Headstone, Baity, Ernorah L.
Headstone, Baity, Ernorah L.
Headstone, Baity, Isaac S. and Martha
Headstone, Baity, Isaac S. and Martha
Headstone, Baity, Henry
Headstone, Baity, Henry
Headstone, Baity, Rebecca Ann
Headstone, Baity, Rebecca Ann
Headstone, Logan, Matilda
Headstone, Logan, Matilda
Headstone, Logan, Robert R.
Headstone, Logan, Robert R.
Headstone, Logan, Mary A.
Headstone, Logan, Mary A.
Headstone, Baity, Mary Susan
Headstone, Baity, Mary Susan
Headstone, Baity, Noah
Headstone, Baity, Noah
Headstone, Baity, Adam
Headstone, Baity, Adam
Headstone, Baity, Effa J.
Headstone, Baity, Effa J.
Headstone, Baity, Jas. D.
Headstone, Baity, Jas. D.
Headstone, Baity, Annie B.
Headstone, Baity, Annie B.
Headstone, Edith Rebecca Baity
Headstone, Edith Rebecca Baity
Headstone, Baity, Anson Albert
Headstone, Baity, Anson Albert
Headstone, Vandeveer, Sarah C.
Headstone, Vandeveer, Sarah C.
Headstone, Vandeveer, Bennett
Headstone, Vandeveer, Bennett
Headstone, Cannon, Josephine and Marlin 'Junior'
Headstone, Cannon, Josephine and Marlin "Junior"
Headstone, Higgason, Charlotte W. and Ottice O.
Headstone, Higgason, Charlotte W. and Ottice O.
Headstone, Chafee, Matilda
Headstone, Chafee, Matilda
Headstone, Anderson, Ruth A. and Byron
Headstone, Anderson, Ruth A. and Byron
Headstone, Greenwood, Nancy A.
Headstone, Greenwood, Nancy A.
Headstone, Greenwood, Barbara F.
Headstone, Greenwood, Barbara F.
Headstone, Greenwood, Margarete
Headstone, Greenwood, Margarete
Headstone, Holleman, Laura E.
Headstone, Holleman, Laura E.
Headstone, Greenwood, Prisoilia M.
Headstone, Greenwood, Prisoilia M.
Headstone, Anderson, William Curtis
Headstone, Anderson, William Curtis
Headstone, Decker, George Lillen
Headstone, Decker, George Lillen
Headstone, Holeman, James
Headstone, Holeman, James
Headstone, Holeman, Elijah M.
Headstone, Holeman, Elijah M.
Headstone, Holeman, Eliza E.
Headstone, Holeman, Eliza E.
Headstone, Songer, Jacob H. and Orville
Headstone, Songer, Jacob H. and Orville
Headstone, Songer, Sarah J.
Headstone, Songer, Sarah J.
Headstone, Songer, Amanda E.
Headstone, Songer, Amanda E.
Headstone, Whitman, Luraney C.
Headstone, Whitman, Luraney C.
Headstone, Higgason, Mary S. and John R.
Headstone, Higgason, Mary S. and John R.
Headstone, Baity, George
Headstone, Baity, George
Headstone, Burgess, Wm. T.
Headstone, Burgess, Wm. T.
Headstone, Baity, Enos
Headstone, Baity, Enos

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Baity, John
Headstone, Baity, John

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Forth, J. M.
Headstone, Forth, J. M.
Headstone, Gavin, Ludovic
Headstone, Gavin, Ludovic
Entrance, Onstott Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois
Entrance, Onstott Cemetery, Xenia, Clay County, Illinois

Also known as Salem Cemetery

Headstone, Hargrave, W. C.
Headstone, Hargrave, W. C.
Headstone, Holeman, Mary E.
Headstone, Hudelson, Robert C.
Headstone, Hudelson, Robert C.
Headstone, Lawson, John P.
Headstone, Lawson, John P.
Headstone, Lee, John T.
Headstone, Lee, John T.
Headstone, Lewis, Obediah W.
Headstone, Lewis, Obediah W.


Matches 1 to 50 of 85

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 ?, Martha  I36298
2 Allgood, Rebecca  I3982
3 ANDERSON, Byron  I32454
4 ANDERSON, Josephine 'Josie'  15 Sep 2012I13002
5 Baity, Adam  I4035
6 Baity, Alexander  I1755
7 BAITY, Anna Bell 'Annie'  I4040
8 Baity, Anson Albert  I4095
9 Baity, Edith Rebecca  I4094
10 BAITY, Effa 'Effie' Jane  I4036
11 BAITY, Elizabeth  I3985
12 BAITY, Ellery  I2224
13 Baity, Enos  I4011
14 Baity, Ernorah L.  I36284
15 Baity, George Jr.  I3981
16 BAITY, Henry  I1757
17 Baity, Henry M.  I36300
18 BAITY, Henry Washington  I4012
19 Baity, Isaac S.  I36285
20 Baity, James  I1761
21 Baity, James A.  I36282
22 BAITY, James Delbert  I4037
23 Baity, John  I4009
24 Baity, Mary Susan  I4019
25 Baity, Matilda Frances  I4016
26 BAITY, Noah Daniel  I4034
27 Baity, Rebecca Ann  I4015
28 Baity, Sarah  I36250
29 BAITY, Sarah Sally  I3984
30 BAITY, Susan  I3986
31 Burgess, William Thornton  I55237
32 Byer, William J.  I55318
33 Cannon, Marlin J. 'Junior' Jr.  I13001
34 CARLISLE, Sarah Christine  I10617
35 Chasteen, James M.  I55324
36 Chasteen, Mary Susan  I17530
37 Chasteen, Onis O.  I55325
38 Coats, Luraney  I36658
39 Decker, George Lillian  I13946
40 Dudman, Enos Manford  I36257
41 Forth, J. M.  I55499
42 Gavin, Ludovic  I55505
43 Goss, Sarah Ann  I13824
44 Greenwood, Barbara F.  I36259
45 GREENWOOD, George Allen  I4000
46 Greenwood, Laura Elizabeth  I36263
47 Greenwood, Margarete  I36262
48 Greenwood, Nancy A.  I36258
49 Greenwood, Prisoilia M.  I36264
50 Hargrave, William C.  I55589

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