Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Olive Cemetery, Wakarusa, Elkhart County, Indiana

Olive Cemetery, Wakarusa, Elkhart County, Indiana



Latitude: 41.6070946, Longitude: -86.0223524


Headstone, Nusbaum, Christian, Catherine, and Abraham
Headstone, Nusbaum, Christian, Catherine, and Abraham
Headstone, Brubaker, Joseph and Elizabeth
Headstone, Brubaker, Joseph and Elizabeth
Headstone, Holdeman, Anna and Joseph
Headstone, Holdeman, Anna and Joseph
Headstone, McClintic, Eston and Barbara
Headstone, McClintic, Eston and Barbara
Headstone, Nusbaum, George
Headstone, Nusbaum, George
Headstone, Nusbaum, Sarah
Headstone, Nusbaum, Sarah
Entrance, Olive Cemetery, Wakarusa, Elkhart County, Indiana
Entrance, Olive Cemetery, Wakarusa, Elkhart County, Indiana
Also known as Shaums Meeting House Cemetery


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Bly, Sarah Lavina  I46705
2 Holderman, Joseph  I46700
3 McClintic, Eston  I46704
4 Nusbaum, Abraham  I46694
5 Nusbaum, Anna  I46690
6 Nusbaum, Barbara  I46696
7 Nusbaum, Christian  I4983
8 Nusbaum, Elizabeth  I38676
9 Nusbaum, George W.  I46697
10 Weiss, Catherine  I46204

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