Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Majorville Cemetery, Hancock County, Illinois



Latitude: 40.460118, Longitude: -90.944966


Headstone, Wise, Abraham
Headstone, Wise, Abraham
Headstone, Wright, Kittie
Headstone, Wright, Kittie
Headstone, Wright, Thomas G.
Headstone, Wright, Thomas G.
Headstone, Wright, Ada Bethena
Headstone, Wright, Ada Bethena
Headstone, Wise, Joseph D.
Headstone, Wise, Joseph D.
Entrance, Majorville Cemetery, Hancock County, Illinois
Entrance, Majorville Cemetery, Hancock County, Illinois


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 PARKER, Ada Bethena  I24299
2 Wise, Abraham  I23541
3 Wise, Catherine 'Kittie'  I24296
4 Wise, Joseph D.  I29898
5 Wright, Thomas Goldman  I24297

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