Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Leonard Cemetery, Clay County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.7420753, Longitude: -88.30433889999999


Headstone, Ross, Mary Jane (1900-1976)
Headstone, Ross, Mary Jane (1900-1976)
Headstone, Wease, Abner
Headstone, Wease, Abner
Headstone, Wease, Emma
Headstone, Wease, Emma

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Wease, Durvid (1926-1993)
Headstone, Wease, Durvid (1926-1993)
Headstone, Wease, Meady
Headstone, Wease, Meady

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Wease, Rudy (1885-?)
Headstone, Wease, Rudy (1885-?)

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Wease, Della
Headstone, Wease, Della

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Phillips, Feby (1834-1857)
Headstone, Phillips, Feby (1834-1857)

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Phillips, Henry (1827-1854)
Headstone, Phillips, Henry (1827-1854)

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Entrance, Leonard Cemetery, Clay County, Illinois
Entrance, Leonard Cemetery, Clay County, Illinois
Headstone, ?
Headstone, ?

Unknown Civil War Veteran

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, ?
Headstone, ?

Unknown Civil War Veteran

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Wease, Clara (1889-1939)
Headstone, Wease, Clara (1889-1939)
Headstone, Wease, Robert (1886-1967)
Headstone, Wease, Robert (1886-1967)

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Wease, Marie
Headstone, Wease, Marie

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black

Headstone, Herdes, Joseph
Headstone, Herdes, Joseph

Displayed with permission of Lady in Black


Matches 1 to 25 of 25

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Cochenour, Marie Ethel  I10985
2 FRANKLIN, Harriet  I28726
3 FRANKLIN, Infant Son  I28727
4 Franklin, Mary  I28643
5 FRANKLIN, Phoebe 'Feby'  I28739
6 FRANKLIN, William M.  I28728
7 Herdes, Joseph  I16967
8 Leonard, Harold Edward  I28729
9 Levitt, Henry  I28735
10 Levitt, Martin  I28736
11 Levitt, Sophronia  I28737
12 Maglone, Clara C.  I5789
13 Mead, Emma Alice  I516
14 PHILLIPS, Henry  I28738
15 Veteran, Unknown Civil War  I26321
16 Veteran, Unknown Civil War  I26322
17 Wease, Abner  I17254
18 WEASE, Della  I25221
19 Wease, Durvid Abner  I11235
20 Wease, Grace Marie  I223
21 Wease, John Raleigh  26 Feb 1985I515
22 Wease, Mary Jane  I2225
23 WEASE, Meady  I12419
24 Wease, Robert Abner 'Bob'  I920
25 WEASE, Rudy  I12420

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