Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray

Gunion Cemetery, Cisne, Wayne County, Illinois



Latitude: 38.54332, Longitude: -88.38425


Headstone, Trotter, Elma and Arthur R.
Headstone, Trotter, Elma and Arthur R.
Headstone, Reid, Robley R. and Ivan N.
Headstone, Reid, Robley R. and Ivan N.
Headstone, Caldwell, Roland and Margaret
Headstone, Caldwell, Roland and Margaret
Headstone, Caldwell, Roland and Margaret
Headstone, Caldwell, Roland and Margaret
Headstone, Clutter, Martaline Leana Caldwell
Headstone, Clutter, Martaline Leana Caldwell
Headstone, Clutter, Martaline Leana Caldwell
Headstone, Clutter, Martaline Leana Caldwell
Headstone, Clutter, Infant Son
Headstone, Clutter, Infant Son
Headstone, Caldwell, Albert
Headstone, Caldwell, Albert
Headstone, Caldwell, Earl
Headstone, Caldwell, Earl
Headstone, Caldwell, Ella
Headstone, Caldwell, Ella
Headstone, Caldwell, Frank
Headstone, Caldwell, Frank
Headstone, Caldwell, Iva
Headstone, Caldwell, Iva
Headstone, Reid, Richard T. and Zora F.
Headstone, Reid, Richard T. and Zora F.
Headstone, Hostettler, Gerald B.
Headstone, Hostettler, Gerald B.
Headstone, Hostettler, Alice E.
Headstone, Hostettler, Alice E.
Headstone, Hostettler, Gerald B.
Headstone, Hostettler, Gerald B.
Headstone, Hostettler, N. Carolyn
Headstone, Hostettler, N. Carolyn
Headstone, Powell, Lowell Elmo
Headstone, Powell, Lowell Elmo
Headstone, Powell, Charles T.
Headstone, Powell, Charles T.
Headstone, Powell, Bessie
Headstone, Powell, Bessie
Headstone, Perry, Lucinda I. and Z. Taylor
Headstone, Perry, Lucinda I. and Z. Taylor
Headstone, Carson, W. Sherman and Nora E.
Headstone, Carson, W. Sherman and Nora E.
Headstone, Reid, Edwin M. and Sarah A.
Headstone, Reid, Edwin M. and Sarah A.
Headstone, Reid, Ben F. and Mildred W.
Headstone, Reid, Ben F. and Mildred W.
Headstone, Reid, Lillian
Headstone, Reid, Lillian
Lillian Reid infant daughter of Richard T. Reid & Zora F. Garrison Reid
Headstone, Reid, Roscoe
Headstone, Reid, Roscoe
Roscoe son of Richard T. & Zora Garrison Reid. He was about 7 yrs old.
Headstone, Reid, Fillmore F. and Edna L.
Headstone, Reid, Fillmore F. and Edna L.
Headstone, Harrington, Linus and Hazel
Headstone, Harrington, Linus and Hazel
Headstone, Reid, Willis A. and Allene Orr
Headstone, Reid, Willis A. and Allene Orr
Entrance, Gunion Cemetery, Cisne, Wayne County, Illinois
Entrance, Gunion Cemetery, Cisne, Wayne County, Illinois


Matches 1 to 50 of 51

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 ?, Edna L.  I45798
2 ?, Mildred W.  I45794
3 Beckel, Bessie Alice  I45785
4 CALDWELL, Albert  I45778
5 CALDWELL, Earl  I41093
6 CALDWELL, Ella  I45779
7 CALDWELL, Frank  I45780
8 CALDWELL, Iva  I45781
9 Caldwell, Martaline Leana 'Martha'  I7377
10 Caldwell, Roland 'Rollie'  I1620
11 Cannon, Helen Virginia  I3428
12 CARSON, W. Sherman  I45791
13 Clutter, Infant Son  I45772
14 Duke, Henry A.  I43607
15 Duke, Margaret Jane  I1621
16 Garrison, Lucinda Isabelle 'Lou'  I30893
17 Garrison, Zora Florence  I35503
18 Gill, Iva Nora 'Ivy'  15 Nov 2017I1722
19 Hale, N. Carolyn  I42429
20 Hamilton, Alice  I18190
21 Hamilton, Charles 'Charlie' E.  I3429
22 Hamilton, James Scott  I50854
23 Harrington, Linus Leon  I55956
24 Hickenbottom, Allen Wesley  I18189
25 Hickenbottom, Joyce Mae  I19330
26 Hickenbottom, Leah Halene  I18191
27 Hostettler, Alice E.  I19333
28 Hostettler, Gerald B.  I19332
29 Hostettler, Hubert B.  I11807
30 HUBBLE, Sarah Anna  I45793
31 Hunt, Edward David  I53953
32 Laird, Hazel Audrey  I55955
33 ORR, Allene  I45797
34 Perry, Zachary Taylor  I30892
35 Powell, Charles Thomas 'Charlie'  I45784
36 Powell, Dolores Rosemary  I53245
37 Powell, Eldon Fay  I45786
38 Powell, Glen Arthur  I53242
39 Powell, Lowell Elmo  I19331
40 Reid, Ben F.  I35511
41 REID, Edwin M.  I35507
42 Reid, Fillmore F.  I35513
43 Reid, Lillian  I35509
44 REID, Nora E.  I35504
45 Reid, Richard Taylor  I35502
46 Reid, Robley R.  I18243
47 Reid, Roscoe  I35510
48 REID, Willis A.  I35514
49 Sons, Isaac  I53858
50 Trotter, Arthur Roscoe  I29544

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