Carl Wayne Gray Genealogies

Compiled by Carl Wayne Gray


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
10001 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Anna (I2690)
10002 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Heinrich (I2685)
10003 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Barbara (I2684)
10004 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Kasper (I2683)
10005 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Margaritha (I2682)
10006 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Johannes (I2681)
10007 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Peter (I2676)
10008 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Barbara (I2675)
10009 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Barbara (I2674)
10010 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Peter (I2673)
10011 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Elisabeth (I2672)
10012 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Jakob (I2671)
10013 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Margaritha (I2670)
10014 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Hans (I2669)
10015 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Anna (I2668)
10016 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Margaritha (I2473)
10017 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Friedrich (I2471)
10018 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Ulrich (I2470)
10019 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Peter (I2469)
10020 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Anna (I2468)
10021 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler HASLER, Johannes (I2467)
10022 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Johannes (I2338)
10023 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Karolina (I2186)
10024 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Rudolf (I2185)
10025 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Charles 'Charley' (I2178)
10026 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Johann Martin Ferdinand (I2177)
10027 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Marianna (I2176)
10028 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Rudolf (I2175)
10029 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Louisa (I2174)
10030 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Mary Elisabeth (I2173)
10031 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Hasler, U. (I1922)
10032 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Susanna (I1881)
10033 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Jakob (I1865)
10034 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Jakob (I662)
10035 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Peter (I599)
10036 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Heinrich (I597)
10037 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Madlena (I595)
10038 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. HASLER, M. (I594)
10039 The Hasler surname was initially spelled Häsler and/or Haesler Hasler, Kasper (I49)
10040 The Herald & Review, Decatur, Illinois, April 6, 2003
CLAY CITY - Frank F. Schack Jr., 85, Clay City, died Friday (April 4, 2003). Services: 10 a.m. Monday, Summers-Kistler Funeral Home, Clay City. Visitation: 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Graveside services: 11:30 a.m. Monday, Kirk Cemetery, Ina. 
Schack, Frank Fairfowl Jr. (I26940)
10041 The highway accident that took the life of Amy Hasler, 19, formerly of Noble, occurred last Friday, Aug. 6 as Miss Hasler and two other young women were on their Way to work in Ohio. All three were students at Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio, and worked from 7 p.m. to midnight at Kennedy's Grocery Store in Xenia, Ohio, less than ten miles from Cedarville.

On Highway 42, about four miles from Xenia, their car. a 1964 Plymouth, was involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle. It was raining at the time, 6:55 p.m.

Miss Hasler was transferred from the Green Memorial Hospital in Xenia, Ohio to the St. Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton, Ohio, where she passed away from her injuries on Monday. She had sustained a fractured skull and nose, multiple fractures of the jaw, a collapsed left lung and ruptured spleen.
Her kidneys were donated for a transplant operation.

Miss Hasler graduated from the 8th grade at Noble Grade School, attended two years of high school at Normal, Ill., attending Bob Jones University Academy in Greenville, S.C. her junior and senior years of high school and then her first two years of college at Bob Jones University. She would have been a junior this fall at Cedarville College, a Baptist Christian College. She was studying to be a missionary to Austria. 
Hasler, Amy Louise (I1136)
10042 The History of Cattaraugus County, NY
published 1879 by Everts, edited by Franklin Ellis
Chapter: Town of Yorkshire, Pages 433-440
The following year (1822)Abel Gordon, from Hillsborough, N. H.and many others came in. Abel Gordon built the first house at Yorkshire Centre in 1822. It was of logs, 16 feet square, and stood near the site of the present Baptist church.
Yorkshire Centre - Abel Gordon built the first log house, about 1825. 
Gordon, Abel (I20584)
10043 The Homer Enterprise
Friday, July 13, 1956, p 1
Funeral services were conducted for Harry Abbott at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Morehouse funeral Home by Dale Scheffer, minister of the Church of Christ, and interment was made in the GAR cemetery. Mr. Abbott, 75, was born near Homer on August 30, 1880 to John and Ann Wright Abbott. He was married about fifty years ago to Lydia Jane Reffett, and she preceded him in death in April of 1955. Surviving are a son, Herman of Catlin; two brothers, Abe, a resident of the Champaign county Nursing Home, Urbana; and Reuben of Champaign; a sister, Mrs. Grace Bird, of Decatur; and a half-brother, Benton Barnes, at the Veterans’ Administration in Danville. Also two grandchildren. 
Abbott, Harry Alexander (I54937)
10044 The Homer Enterprise
Thursday, December 13, 1888
After a brief illness John Abbott died at his residence, in the northern part of this district Friday morning, 7th last, of fever, and was buried Saturday in the old Homer cemetery.
(Transcribed by the Homer Historical Society) 
Abbott, John (I54930)
10045 The I.O.O.F. cemetery mentioned in her obiituary was later renamed to Clay City Cemetery. RICKETTS, Matilda Jane 'Tildie' (I26925)
10046 The IGI shows that William Thornton Burgess was born 7/11/1841. There are differing dates for his death between 1880 and 1888.

His first wife was Mary Jane Bowers who died Sept. 1878. Her obituary was published in the Wayne County Press 10/3/1878 but doesn't indicate a burial location. His second wife was Elizabeth Holler who died 3/6/1883.


Rank PVT Company C Unit 111 IL US INF

Personal Characteristics
Residence WAYNE CO, IL Age 23 Height 5' 9 Hair BLACK
Eyes HAZEL Complexion DARK Marital Status MARRIED Occupation FARMER
Nativity ORANGE CO, IN

Service Record
Joined When AUG 9, 1862 Joined Where XENIA, IL
Joined By Whom WM M MABRY Period 3 YRS
Muster In SEP 18, 1862 Muster In Where CAMP MARSHALL, IL
Muster In By Whom N/A Muster Out JUN 6, 1865
Muster Out Where WASHINGTON, DC Muster Out By Whom CPT NELSON
Burgess, William Thornton (I55237)
10047 The Illinois Death Index lists an Elizabeth Mitchell, Certificate #0032121, who died in Clay City, Illinois on October 28, 1919. Could this be her? Pendleton, Elizabeth Anna (I34)
10048 The impressive funeral rites of the Odd Fellows Lodge were said over the remains of James Ridgley at the Dunkard church in Bonpas township Sunday morning. Mr. Ridgley, whose death occured Thursday morning was a native of this county having been born at Parkersburg 78 years ago. He had spent all his life in this county and was widely known. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and the United Brethren church. Ridgely, James (I38098)
10049 The Indianapolis Star, Sat., Jul. 29, 1989, Page 30

Virgil Lee Cross, 73, Indianapolis, died Thursday. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Flanner & Buchanan Farley Morris Street Mortuary, with calling from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. A machinist, he worked 30 years at Detroit Diesel Allison Division of General Motors Corp., retiring in 1978. Memorial contributions may be made to the Marion County Heart Association. Survivors: wife, Mary E. Cross; son, James Lee Cross; sisters, Ethel Thomas and Bernice Cross; half sisters, Goldie Lenar and Wanda Cross; half brother, Harold Gibson. 
CROSS, Virgil Lee (I26507)
10050 The infant had been in ill health for a long period of time. Miller, Ty Everett (I35099)

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