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 | American Civil War
(April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865)
- Ackison, Crawford F. (Military Service)
- Adams, James Harris (Military Service)
- Adduddell, John Francis (Military Service)
- Aduddell, Caleb (Military Service)
- Alexander, Silas G. (Military Service)
- Alford, John Reddin (Military Service)
- Allen, Joshua (Military Service)
- Allgood, Samuel (Military Service)
- Archibald, Henry W. (Military Service)
- Armstrong, John W. (Military Service)
- Arnold, David (Military Service)
- Atchison, William Riley (Military Service)
- Ausbrook, John M. (Military Service)
- Austin, Della A. (Military Service)
- Babcock, James W. (Military Service)
- Bagwell, William (Military Service)
- Baity, Enos (Military Service)
- Baity, John (Military Service)
- Baity, William George (Military Service)
- Baker, Charles E. (Military Service)
- Baldwin, Eli M. (Military Service)
- Ballard, Henry C. (Military Service)
- Barnes, George W. (Military Service)
- Barnett, David (Military Service)
- Barnett, James N. (Military Service)
- Bartholomew, John (Military Service)
- Bass, John S. (Military Service)
- Bassett, Robert (Military Service)
- Bates, Cy D. (Military Service)
- Battenfield, George Washington (Military Service)
- Bayler, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Bayler, John M. (Military Service)
- Beal, Andrew King (Military Service)
- Beard, William (Military Service)
- Beard, William Lucius 'Jessie' (Military Service)
- Bennett, Emery (Military Service)
- Benskin, Wesley John (Military Service)
- Berry, Joseph B. (Military Service)
- Billman, John (Military Service)
- Birch, Samuel Wesley (Military Service)
- Birch, W. (Military Service)
- Black, George C. (Military Service)
- Blackburn, Eli Jasper (Military Service)
- Blacklidge, John R. (Military Service)
- Blair, David (Military Service)
- Blair, Jesse (Military Service)
- Blair, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Blair, William 'Farmer' (Military Service)
- Blanchard, Thomas (Military Service)
- Bochner, John (Military Service)
- Bones, John (Military Service)
- Bonner, Thomas H. (Military Service)
- Boon, E. (Military Service)
- Boose, Elias (Military Service)
- Boss, Napoleon B. (Military Service)
- Bostwick, William (Military Service)
- Boswell, George B. (Military Service)
- Boyd, Elias (Military Service)
- Boyer, Jonathan Joseph (Military Service)
- Boyles, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Bradley, Henry L. (Military Service)
- Bradshaw, James W. (Military Service)
- Brant, Johnson White (Military Service)
- Brewer, David F. (Military Service)
- Brewer, Dennis (Military Service)
- Bricker, Conrad (Military Service)
- Bridges, Albert B. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, Henry A. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, John Lewis (Military Service)
- Bristow, Alfred Harrison (Military Service)
- Brown, Elcana (Military Service)
- Brown, James Deacon (Military Service)
- Browne, Albert G. (Military Service)
- Brunkhorst, Conrad (Military Service)
- Bryan, Daniel (Military Service)
- Bryan, Ephraim M. (Military Service)
- Bryan, John L. (Military Service)
- Bryan, Lafayette (Military Service)
- Bryan, Lafayette (Military Service)
- Bryan, William H. (Military Service)
- Bryant, Cyrus (Military Service)
- Bryant, Quinten J. (Military Service)
- Buck, Henry Fisher 'Fish' (Military Service)
- Bullard, William Henry Harrison (Military Service)
- Bunch, Joseph (Military Service)
- Bunn, Russell Bigelow (Military Service)
- Burgess, William Thornton (Military Service)
- Burton, Alexander John (Military Service)
- Burton, Joseph Odell (Military Service)
- Burton, Melkert Helmer (Military Service)
- Bussard, Nathan D. (Military Service)
- Bussard, Nathan T. (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, George (Military Service)
- Butler, John (Military Service)
- Byer, William J. (Military Service)
- Byrne, Charles Hanriford (Military Service)
- Cambron, James (Military Service)
- Cambron, Richard Alfred (Military Service)
- Campbell, J.B. (Military Service)
- Campbell, Louis E. (Military Service)
- Cannon, Isaac Newton (Military Service)
- Carder, John J. (Military Service)
- Carpenter, William (Military Service)
- Carter, Parkson (Military Service)
- Carter, Roley I. (Military Service)
- Cash, Henry (Military Service)
- Cazadd, George Wheeler (Military Service)
- Cazadd, William (Military Service)
- Chaffin, Reuben (Military Service)
- Chambliss, Joel Henry (Military Service)
- Chaney, Richard (Military Service)
- Chaney, Thomas A. (Military Service)
- Chapman, James H. (Military Service)
- Chapman, John W. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, James M. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, John E. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, Onis O. (Military Service)
- Chesley, Hiram Henry (Military Service)
- Clark, James W. (Military Service)
- Clark, John W. (Military Service)
- Clevy, Thomas (Military Service)
- Clingingsmith, Alfred (Military Service)
- Cluxton, William Green (Military Service)
- Cogswell, Joel William (Military Service)
- Cogswell, John B. (Military Service)
- Coil, Henry Harrison (Military Service)
- Colclasure, Samuel Wilshire Sr. (Military Service)
- Colclasure, William R. Stalcap (Military Service)
- Colley, Thomas Wallace (Military Service)
- Collins, George S. (Military Service)
- Combs, William (Military Service)
- Conley, Alfred (Military Service)
- Conley, James (Military Service)
- Connerly, James (Military Service)
- Cook, H.H. (Military Service)
- Cook, Ira (Military Service)
- Cook, Wiatt (Military Service)
- Cook, William (Military Service)
- Cooper, George H. (Military Service)
- Cooper, Spencer F. (Military Service)
- Copas, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Copeland, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Copelin, Isaac (Military Service)
- Corder, Elijah C. (Military Service)
- Corder, John J. (Military Service)
- Corder, William Bryan (Military Service)
- Corry, Elias C. (Military Service)
- Corry, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Corson, Russell (Military Service)
- Cotterell, John (Military Service)
- Courtwright, John (Military Service)
- Crackel, Michael (Military Service)
- Craig, James T. (Military Service)
- Craig, John W. (Military Service)
- Crane, Benjamin N. (Military Service)
- Creek, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Creekmur, Edmond Naney (Military Service)
- Culbertson, Tucker Williamson (Military Service)
- Cumpson, George (Military Service)
- Cunningham, James F. (Military Service)
- Cunningham, Sherman (Military Service)
- Curtright, Samuel George (Military Service)
- Dannells, Archibald (Military Service)
- David, William (Military Service)
- Davis, John A. (Military Service)
- Davis, William (Military Service)
- Deabler, Daniel (Military Service)
- Decker, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Dehart, Lee (Military Service)
- Deisher, Jacob Morgan (Military Service)
- Denby, John J. (Military Service)
- Denby, Thomas H. Jr. (Military Service)
- Denton, Benjamin (Military Service)
- Depositer, C.W. (Military Service)
- Devore, David J. (Military Service)
- Devore, William J. (Military Service)
- Dickens, Jehu (Military Service)
- Dorsett, Henry Clay (Military Service)
- Dow, Peter B. (Military Service)
- DuBois, Treat Stanton (Military Service)
- Dueker, Casper (Military Service)
- Duff, James Newton (Military Service)
- Duker, Casper (Military Service)
- Dunham, Ira Lindsy (Military Service)
- Duzan, E. W. (Military Service)
- Easley, Pleasant A. (Military Service)
- Eastin, Nicholas (Military Service)
- Eastlick, Sylvester (Military Service)
- Eden, William (Military Service)
- Edmondson, William F. (Military Service)
- Edwards, Charles F. (Military Service)
- Edwards, Isaac Wright (Military Service)
- Edwards, John (Military Service)
- Elliott, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Elrod, Stephen (Military Service)
- Elston, Bluford (Military Service)
- Emery, George D. (Military Service)
- Emery, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Engledow, William C. (Military Service)
- Erskine, Thomas (Military Service)
- Erwin, John (Military Service)
- Etchison, Benjamin W. (Military Service)
- Etchison, Nathaniel C. (Military Service)
- Ewing, William D. (Military Service)
- Eytchison, Jesse W. (Military Service)
- Fancher, James W. (Military Service)
- Farran, William Allen Kitchell (Military Service)
- Fehrenbacher, Benhard (Military Service)
- Fields, George Washington (Military Service)
- Finnell, George Thomas (Military Service)
- Finnell, James Beans (Military Service)
- Finnell, John William (Military Service)
- Finnell, Robert Jones (Military Service)
- Fisher, John (Military Service)
- Fisher, Uriah (Military Service)
- Fopay, Charles L. (Military Service)
- Fopay, Frederick (Military Service)
- Foreman, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Foreman, Hugh L. (Military Service)
- Foreman, Stephen C. (Military Service)
- Forth, J. M. (Military Service)
- Frank, Nickolaus (Military Service)
- Frank, Samuel Luther (Military Service)
- Franklin, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Franklin, Joseph L. (Military Service)
- Franklin, Pleasant (Military Service)
- Franks, William Harvey (Military Service)
- Free, Milton W. (Military Service)
- Freeman, William Henry (Military Service)
- Fulfer, Richard Johnson (Military Service)
- Fulk, George Washington (Military Service)
- Gahan, John William (Military Service)
- Gard, Robert Scott (Military Service)
- Gavin, Ludovic (Military Service)
- Gee, John W. (Military Service)
- George, Andrew (Military Service)
- Gibbs, Robert L. (Military Service)
- Gill, J. W. (Military Service)
- Glardon, James Frederick (Military Service)
- Goad, Peter Henry (Military Service)
- Golden, Drury Sr. (Military Service)
- Golden, Elisha (Military Service)
- Golden, John J. (Military Service)
- Golden, Stephen (Military Service)
- Golden, Wesley (Military Service)
- Gould, Theoren (Military Service)
- Graham, Alexander E. 'Alex' (Military Service)
- Gray, Robert (Military Service)
- Green, Thomas W. (Military Service)
- Green, William (Military Service)
- Greenwood, George A. (Military Service)
- Greenwood, Isaac Lee (Military Service)
- Griffin, Edward (Military Service)
- Griffin, Robert David (Military Service)
- Grove, John Gladdin (Military Service)
- Gubberly, B.V. (Military Service)
- Guthrie, Samuel David (Military Service)
- Hagle, Dios Corides (Military Service)
- Hail, Nathan Talbert (Military Service)
- Hale, John W. (Military Service)
- Hall, Bluford (Military Service)
- Halterman, Andrew K. (Military Service)
- Hamilton, Barney M. (Military Service)
- Hamilton, James (Military Service)
- Hance, James Gordon (Military Service)
- Handley, Isaac E. (Military Service)
- Handley, William McGinnis (Military Service)
- Hanks, Thomas Price (Military Service)
- Hanley, John H. (Military Service)
- Hanna, Aaron (Military Service)
- Hardin, John S. (Military Service)
- Hardin, Peter B. (Military Service)
- Hardin, Silas (Military Service)
- Hardy, David H. (Military Service)
- Hargrave, William C. (Military Service)
- Harmon, Andrew John 'Andy' (Military Service)
- Harmon, John (Military Service)
- Harper, James (Military Service)
- Harrell, James M. (Military Service)
- Harris, Warren H. (Military Service)
- Harrison, James M. (Military Service)
- Harrison, John A. (Military Service)
- Harrison, Moses M. (Military Service)
- Harrison, William A. (Military Service)
- Hartsey, Joseph (Military Service)
- Hasler, Christian Charles (Military Service)
- Hearst, R. (Military Service)
- Hedrick, Andrew Lafayette 'Lafe' (Military Service)
- Hedrick, George Franklin (Military Service)
- Hefton, Andrew J. (Military Service)
- Henderson, Calvin 'Cal' (Military Service)
- Henderson, Wiley L. (Military Service)
- Herdes, Joseph (Military Service)
- Herman, Francis Marion (Military Service)
- Herron, Joseph (Military Service)
- Higginson, Edward (Military Service)
- Hilton, William Henry (Military Service)
- Hoard, William Henry (Military Service)
- Holeman, Robert (Military Service)
- Holler, John (Military Service)
- Holman, Amos (Military Service)
- Holman, Harman (Military Service)
- Holman, John (Military Service)
- Holman, Samuel (Military Service)
- Holmes, J. (Military Service)
- Hopkins, William (Military Service)
- Hord, William A. (Military Service)
- Hornick, Charles E. (Military Service)
- Hostetler, Amos (Military Service)
- Hough, Abraham (Military Service)
- Howell, Samuel (Military Service)
- Howland, Henry Wharton (Military Service)
- Hubner, Andrew (Military Service)
- Hudelson, John Caldwell (Military Service)
- Hudelson, Robert C. (Military Service)
- Hudson, William M. (Military Service)
- Humphreys, John S. (Military Service)
- Hundley, Eugene M. (Military Service)
- Hunley, Archibald Henry 'Arch' (Military Service)
- Hurst, John Rhynard (Military Service)
- Ingling, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Ingraham, Dorman (Military Service)
- Ingraham, William J. (Military Service)
- Ingraham, Winfield Scott (Military Service)
- Inman, Cyprian Jr. (Military Service)
- Jackson, Cornelius Newell (Military Service)
- Jackson, James S. (Military Service)
- Jackson, Julius C. (Military Service)
- James, Charles Winks (Military Service)
- Jamison, John (Military Service)
- Jauch, Jacob (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Alex M. (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Benjamin F. (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Frederick (Military Service)
- JENKINS, H. M. (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Harrison M. (Military Service)
- Johnson, John Anderson (Military Service)
- Joliffe, Joseph H. (Military Service)
- Jones, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Jones, John M. (Military Service)
- Jones, Joseph Blackwell (Military Service)
- Jones, Milton Emery (Military Service)
- Jones, Robert Clement (Military Service)
- Jones, Silas (Military Service)
- Jordan, Frederick W. (Military Service)
- Kearney, William Henry (Military Service)
- Kelsoe, Cornelius P. (Military Service)
- Kenley, Newton S. (Military Service)
- Kennedy, Samuel A. (Military Service)
- Kenner, Jehu (Military Service)
- Kepley, Thomas William (Military Service)
- Kesler, David (Military Service)
- Kettler, Herman Henry (Military Service)
- Kincaid, Stephen (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Emanuel (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Joseph Addison (Military Service)
- Kinney, Jess (Military Service)
- Kirkpatrick, J. W. (Military Service)
- Kiser, Albert R. (Military Service)
- Kittle, George (Military Service)
- Kluthe, Frederich Wilhelm (Military Service)
- Knoles, James M. (Military Service)
- Knoles, James R. (Military Service)
- Knowles, Logan (Military Service)
- Kock, William (Military Service)
- Kronk, Josiah W. (Military Service)
- Kurtz, Henry R. (Military Service)
- Lake, Daniel (Military Service)
- Lake, James Polk (Military Service)
- Lambert, William Henry (Military Service)
- Land, John H. (Military Service)
- Landreth, Allen (Military Service)
- Landstrom, John (Military Service)
- Lappin, George S. (Military Service)
- Lawrence, John (Military Service)
- Lawson, John Pleasant (Military Service)
- Leathers, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Lee, Andrew Jackson 'A. J.' (Military Service)
- Lee, Harry H. (Military Service)
- Lee, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Lee, John Turner (Military Service)
- Lee, Silas H. (Military Service)
- Lemon, James M. (Military Service)
- Lemon, John (Military Service)
- Lents, John Jacob 'Jake' (Military Service)
- Lents, Jonathan Seals (Military Service)
- Leonard, Nicholas Barger (Military Service)
- Letsinger, Lewis P. (Military Service)
- Lewis, Berry (Military Service)
- Lewis, David (Military Service)
- Lewis, Edmond Asbury (Military Service)
- Lewis, J. (Military Service)
- Lewis, Moses Newton (Military Service)
- Lewis, Obediah W. (Military Service)
- Lewis, Thomas (Military Service)
- Lewis, William (Military Service)
- Limes, James (Military Service)
- Lindly, Thomas T. (Military Service)
- Lister, Samuel G. (Military Service)
- Livingston, John C. (Military Service)
- Lockhart, John (Military Service)
- Logan, Isaac (Military Service)
- Logan, Robert Riley (Military Service)
- Long, Benjamin Harriman (Military Service)
- Lough, John C. (Military Service)
- Lough, Peter Marcellus (Military Service)
- Louis, J. T. (Military Service)
- Loy, William H. (Military Service)
- Luke, William David (Military Service)
- Luse, Joseph (Military Service)
- Madden, John Simmons (Military Service)
- Maiden, J. N. (Military Service)
- Manker, John W. (Military Service)
- Manning, James Henry (Military Service)
- Marshall, James R. (Military Service)
- Marshall, Levi G. (Military Service)
- Marshall, Squire (Military Service)
- Martin, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Martin, John C. (Military Service)
- Martin, William (Military Service)
- Mason, John Thomas (Military Service)
- Mattox, Joseph (Military Service)
- Maxwell, H. W. (Military Service)
- Maxwell, James R. (Military Service)
- McAnully, John D. (Military Service)
- McCormick, W. H. (Military Service)
- McCracken, Henry (Military Service)
- McCracken, John James (Military Service)
- McCracken, Thomas (Military Service)
- McCracken, William Nelson (Military Service)
- McCrary, Jonathan (Military Service)
- McDonald, Thompson (Military Service)
- McDowell, John H. (Military Service)
- McElyea, Wilford (Military Service)
- McEndree, Aaron (Military Service)
- McEndree, David V. (Military Service)
- McGilton, Jonathan (Military Service)
- McIlvain, James E. (Military Service)
- McIlvain, Panter (Military Service)
- McKendre, Richard (Military Service)
- McKinney, Jerry 'Jere' (Military Service)
- McKinney, Robert P. (Military Service)
- McKnelly, Crawford Solomon (Military Service)
- Meadows, Joel Nelson (Military Service)
- Medley, Benjamin A. (Military Service)
- Mefford, George W. (Military Service)
- Melton, Christopher Columbus 'Chris' (Military Service)
- Michels, Louis A. (Military Service)
- Miller, Aaron (Military Service)
- Miller, Crawford C. (Military Service)
- Miller, James Edward (Military Service)
- Miller, Joseph (Military Service)
- Miller, Solomon T. (Military Service)
- Mills, Hugh H. (Military Service)
- Mills, Israel (Military Service)
- Mitchell, John E. (Military Service)
- Modlin, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Monical, Christopher C. (Military Service)
- Monical, George William (Military Service)
- Monical, William T. (Military Service)
- Monroe, John R. (Military Service)
- Montgomery, James Thomas (Military Service)
- Montoney, William Harrison (Military Service)
- Moore, Pallas K. (Military Service)
- Moots, Abraham (Military Service)
- Morris, Alfred Green (Military Service)
- Moseley, John David 'J. D.' (Military Service)
- Mullins, John Dyer (Military Service)
- Murphy, James (Military Service)
- Murray, James (Military Service)
- Musgrove, John B. (Military Service)
- Nagel, Ernest (Military Service)
- Nash, Thomas (Military Service)
- Nay, Wesley C. (Military Service)
- Neff, Adam Jefferson (Military Service)
- Nihart, Conrad (Military Service)
- Nully, Sanford (Military Service)
- O'Dell, John H. (Military Service)
- O'Dell, William Henry (Military Service)
- Oaster, Benjamin (Military Service)
- Odell, Aden G. (Military Service)
- Oglesby, James Madison (Military Service)
- Oglesby, Samuel Kennedy (Military Service)
- Olgesby, J.H. (Military Service)
- Ooton, Aaron (Military Service)
- Ooton, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Ooton, John (Military Service)
- Ooton, Silas (Military Service)
- Orman, George W. (Military Service)
- Paden, Stephen Ray (Military Service)
- Padgett, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Paine, Samuel Estabrook (Military Service)
- Park, Edmund Calvin Botsworth (Military Service)
- Patterson, George Clover (Military Service)
- Patterson, Nicholas J. (Military Service)
- Patterson, R. M. (Military Service)
- Payne, George William (Military Service)
- Payne, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Payne, William Henry (Military Service)
- Peak, Joseph S. (Military Service)
- Peirce, John Adrian (Military Service)
- Peirce, Thomas O. (Military Service)
- Perkins, David (Military Service)
- Perry, John (Military Service)
- Phelps, Henry M. (Military Service)
- Phillips, John S. (Military Service)
- Pickthall, Thomas (Military Service)
- Pishall, Lemuel W. (Military Service)
- Pishall, Samuel H. (Military Service)
- Pixley, Isaac (Military Service)
- Porter, David K. (Military Service)
- Porter, William Wallace (Military Service)
- Potter, George (Military Service)
- Pridemore, Andrew Jackson Jr. (Military Service)
- Prosser, John (Military Service)
- Pugh, John (Military Service)
- Purcell, Oliver W. (Military Service)
- Ragsdale, James Mayo (Military Service)
- Ranes, James Henry (Military Service)
- Ranes, Robert Edgar (Military Service)
- Ray, Nathan (Military Service)
- Redman, R. G. (Military Service)
- Reece, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Reece, William (Military Service)
- Renick, George W. (Military Service)
- Renick, Silas (Military Service)
- Rexroad, John W. (Military Service)
- Rice, Clayborne Peter (Military Service)
- Rice, Thomas General Harrison (Military Service)
- Richards, George W. (Military Service)
- Richardson, Marion D. (Military Service)
- Rigg, Henry Valentine (Military Service)
- Riggs, Henry V. (Military Service)
- Rinehart, Lewis (Military Service)
- Roberts, James H. (Military Service)
- Roberts, Jesse (Military Service)
- Roberts, Jonathon (Military Service)
- Roberts, Theodore (Military Service)
- Roberts, William (Military Service)
- Robertson, W. E. (Military Service)
- Robinson, Alexander (Military Service)
- Rogers, Lot S. (Military Service)
- Rogers, William Noah (Military Service)
- Rose, William H. (Military Service)
- Rothrock, Permane E. (Military Service)
- Roush, George Washington (Military Service)
- Rubins, George (Military Service)
- Rude, James K. (Military Service)
- Rusher, Nathaniel (Military Service)
- Rusk, Edmond B. (Military Service)
- Rusk, James M. (Military Service)
- Rusk, Jonathan 'John' (Military Service)
- Rusk, Thomas J. (Military Service)
- Rutter, Nathaniel Sample (Military Service)
- Sabin, Morgan Louis (Military Service)
- Sackrider, Allen (Military Service)
- Sager, George S. (Military Service)
- Sailor, Thomas M (Military Service)
- Salyards, Edward M. (Military Service)
- Satterfield, John William (Military Service)
- Schilt, Jacob 'Jake' (Military Service)
- Schmidt, Gustave T. (Military Service)
- Schooley, Orlando Devere Sr. (Military Service)
- Schooley, Palemon (Military Service)
- Schott, Samuel (Military Service)
- Self, Josephus (Military Service)
- Sellers, Samuel (Military Service)
- Shadle, Aaron Dillon (Military Service)
- Sheridan, John F. (Military Service)
- Shinn, Edmund Stephen (Military Service)
- Shinn, Luther Calvin (Military Service)
- Shock, John (Military Service)
- Shore, Andrew Jackson (Military Service)
- Shore, Francis Marion (Military Service)
- Shriner, Silas (Military Service)
- Siewere, Joseph B. (Military Service)
- Slack, William (Military Service)
- Slover, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Smith, Charles (Military Service)
- Smith, Elias (Military Service)
- Smith, J.B. (Military Service)
- Smith, James B. 'Jimmie' (Military Service)
- Smith, John R. (Military Service)
- Smith, Nathan P. (Military Service)
- Smith, Thomas Clinton (Military Service)
- Smith, William Martin (Military Service)
- Snelling, John W. (Military Service)
- Songer, Frederick Wesley (Military Service)
- Songer, James F. (Military Service)
- Soules, David Neer 'Davy' (Military Service)
- Sparling, Michael (Military Service)
- Spencer, William H. (Military Service)
- Spicer, Oliver Franklin (Military Service)
- Sprinkle, Michael G. 'Nix' (Military Service)
- St. John, Francis M. (Military Service)
- St. John, John (Military Service)
- St. John, William W. (Military Service)
- Stanford, Austin W. (Military Service)
- Stanford, David (Military Service)
- Stanley, John Christopher (Military Service)
- Stephenson, William J. (Military Service)
- Sternes, Norman (Military Service)
- Stine, Abraham (Military Service)
- Stine, Abraham (774984)
- Stockwell, George Warren (Military Service)
- Stover, Augustus P. (Military Service)
- Stover, Joel (Military Service)
- Strickland, David (Military Service)
- Stroud, Jacob (Military Service)
- Struble, Abram (Military Service)
- Stull, Erhart (Military Service)
- Sullivan, Alfred A. (Military Service)
- Sullivan, Charles H. (Military Service)
- Sutton, Jesse (Military Service)
- Tanner, James M. (Military Service)
- Tate, Alexander (Military Service)
- Tate, Samuel Allen (Military Service)
- Taylor, Benjamin Bradford (Military Service)
- Taylor, Edmond S. (Military Service)
- Taylor, Stephen (Military Service)
- Taylor, William H. (Military Service)
- Terry, John A. (Military Service)
- Thomas, Fendel E. (Military Service)
- Thomas, L. W. (Military Service)
- Thompson, John T. (Military Service)
- Thornton, Charles G. (Military Service)
- Tilley, David Green (Military Service)
- Tolbert, Odell (Military Service)
- Toliver, Francis M. (Military Service)
- Toliver, John H. (Military Service)
- Tompkins, Ransom (Military Service)
- Travers, Joseph (Military Service)
- Travers, Thomas (Military Service)
- Travis, Noah Kendall (Military Service)
- Trimmer, James W. (Military Service)
- Tuck, Alexander (Military Service)
- Tucker, David L. (Military Service)
- Tucker, John E. (Military Service)
- Tully, Joseph E. (Military Service)
- Turner, Enoch Preston (Military Service)
- Utterback, Menville T. (Military Service)
- Utterback, Upton Cornealius (Military Service)
- Van Fossan, Alexander (Military Service)
- Van Fossan, David (Military Service)
- Van Tine, Alfred Chesebrough (Military Service)
- Vandaveer, Charles H. (Military Service)
- Vaughn, Robert F. (Military Service)
- Veteran, Unknown Civil War (Military Service)
- Veteran, Unknown Civil War (Military Service)
- Vickrey, Jessie (Military Service)
- Vickrey, Littleton (Military Service)
- Viskniskki, Thomas (Military Service)
- Walk, Samuel Phillip (Military Service)
- Walker, Samuel A (Military Service)
- Wallace, James Franklin (Military Service)
- Walser, Gaither Charles (Military Service)
- Walser, Hiram Herman (Military Service)
- Walters, John W. (Military Service)
- Ward, William Billington (Military Service)
- Warmoth, Edwin B. (Military Service)
- Warmoth, Edwin B. (701124)
- Warren, Timothy Titus 'Tim' (Military Service)
- Waterman, Silas W. (Military Service)
- Watson, Henry S. (Military Service)
- Wattles, David Frost (Military Service)
- Weaver, David (Military Service)
- Weaver, W. (Military Service)
- Weaver, William Isaac (Military Service)
- Webster, Levi R. (Military Service)
- Webster, Noah (Military Service)
- Weiler, Jacob (Military Service)
- Weiler, John (Military Service)
- Weyl, Henry J. (Military Service)
- White, John B. (Military Service)
- White, Reuben M. (Military Service)
- Whitman, Conrad Storms (Military Service)
- Whitman, Conrad Storms (Military Service)
- Whittington, Elisha (Military Service)
- Wilcox, Joseph Franklin (Military Service)
- Wilcoxen, Elijah (Military Service)
- Williams, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Williams, Samuel (Military Service)
- Williams, Thomas G. (Military Service)
- Williams, William (Military Service)
- Williams, William L. 'Billy' (Military Service)
- Willis, Jesse Franklin (Military Service)
- Wilson, George W. (Military Service)
- Wilson, helby. W. (Military Service)
- Wilson, Stephen M. (Military Service)
- Wiltsey, James Loren (Military Service)
- Winans, Wilson C. (Military Service)
- Windle, William F. (Military Service)
- Wist, R.L. (Military Service)
- Wolf, Leonard D. (Military Service)
- Wood, Alfred S. (Military Service)
- Wood, James B. (Military Service)
- Wood, John (Military Service)
- Wood, Robert (Military Service)
- Wyatt, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Wyatt, William Franklin (Military Service)
- Young, William Jasper (Military Service)
3 Mar 2025 |
 | Civil War Veterans Buried in Clay County, Illinois_0026.jpg
Compiled by Les Higgason
- Clay County, Illinois
- Lappin, George S. (Military Service)
- Lawrence, John (Military Service)
- Lawson, John Pleasant (Military Service)
- Leathers, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Lee, Andrew Jackson 'A. J.' (Military Service)
- Lee, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Lee, John Turner (Military Service)
- Lemon, John (Military Service)
- Lents, John Jacob 'Jake' (Military Service)
- Lents, Jonathan Seals (Military Service)
3 Mar 2025 |
 | 98th Illinois Infantry Regiment |
- Adams, James Harris (Military Service)
- Archibald, Henry W. (Military Service)
- Ausbrook, John M. (Military Service)
- Baldwin, Eli M. (Military Service)
- Barnes, George W. (Military Service)
- Bartholomew, John (Military Service)
- Bayler, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Birch, Samuel Wesley (Military Service)
- Blackburn, Eli Jasper (Military Service)
- Bones, John (Military Service)
- Bonner, Thomas H. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, John Lewis (Military Service)
- Bryan, Lafayette (Military Service)
- Bussard, Nathan D. (Military Service)
- Bussard, Nathan T. (Military Service)
- Cash, Henry (Military Service)
- Chaney, Thomas A. (Military Service)
- Conley, Alfred (Military Service)
- Cook, Ira (Military Service)
- Cook, Wiatt (Military Service)
- Cooper, George H. (Military Service)
- Crackel, Michael (Military Service)
- Creek, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Erskine, Thomas (Military Service)
- Finnell, James Beans (Military Service)
- Fisher, Uriah (Military Service)
- Foreman, Stephen C. (Military Service)
- Golden, Drury Sr. (Military Service)
- Golden, Elisha (Military Service)
- Golden, Stephen (Military Service)
- Golden, Wesley (Military Service)
- Hardy, David H. (Military Service)
- Hefton, Andrew J. (Military Service)
- Henderson, Calvin 'Cal' (Military Service)
- Herman, Francis Marion (Military Service)
- Higginson, Edward (Military Service)
- Holman, Harman (Military Service)
- Hough, Abraham (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Alex M. (Military Service)
- Jones, Silas (Military Service)
- Landreth, Allen (Military Service)
- Lawrence, John (Military Service)
- Lewis, David (Military Service)
- Lewis, Edmond Asbury (Military Service)
- Lewis, Obediah W. (Military Service)
- Logan, Isaac (Military Service)
- Luse, Joseph (Military Service)
- Manker, John W. (Military Service)
- Miller, Aaron (Military Service)
- Moseley, John David 'J. D.' (Military Service)
- O'Dell, John H. (Military Service)
- Odell, Aden G. (Military Service)
- Porter, David K. (Military Service)
- Stanford, Austin W. (Military Service)
- Travis, Noah Kendall (Military Service)
- Watson, Henry S. (Military Service)
3 Mar 2025 |
 | United States of America Flag, 35 Stars (1863-1865)
This flag was flown by the Federal States during the United States Civil War.
The flag of the United States of America from 1861 to 1863, with 34 stars for all the 34 states. In 1863 a 35th star was added to represent the new state of West Virginia (the loyal northwestern counties of Virginia), and in 1864 a 36th star for Nevada (previously… |
- Ackison, Crawford F. (Military Service)
- Adams, James Harris (Military Service)
- Adduddell, John Francis (Military Service)
- Alexander, Silas G. (Military Service)
- Alford, John Reddin (Military Service)
- Allgood, Samuel (Military Service)
- Archibald, Henry W. (Military Service)
- Arnold, David (Military Service)
- Atchison, William Riley (Military Service)
- Ausbrook, John M. (Military Service)
- Austin, Della A. (Military Service)
- Babcock, James W. (Military Service)
- Bagwell, William (Military Service)
- Baity, Enos (Military Service)
- Baity, John (Military Service)
- Baity, William George (Military Service)
- Baker, Charles E. (Military Service)
- Baldwin, Eli M. (Military Service)
- Ballard, Henry C. (Military Service)
- Barnes, George W. (Military Service)
- Barnett, David (Military Service)
- Barnett, James N. (Military Service)
- Bartholomew, John (Military Service)
- Bass, John S. (Military Service)
- Bassett, Robert (Military Service)
- Bates, Cy D. (Military Service)
- Battenfield, George Washington (Military Service)
- Bayler, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Bayler, John M. (Military Service)
- Beal, Andrew King (Military Service)
- Beard, William (Military Service)
- Beard, William Lucius 'Jessie' (Military Service)
- Bennett, Emery (Military Service)
- Benskin, Wesley John (Military Service)
- Berry, Joseph B. (Military Service)
- Billman, John (Military Service)
- Birch, Samuel Wesley (Military Service)
- Birch, W. (Military Service)
- Black, George C. (Military Service)
- Blackburn, Eli Jasper (Military Service)
- Blacklidge, John R. (Military Service)
- Blair, David (Military Service)
- Blair, Jesse (Military Service)
- Blair, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Blair, William 'Farmer' (Military Service)
- Blanchard, Thomas (Military Service)
- Bochner, John (Military Service)
- Bones, John (Military Service)
- Bonner, Thomas H. (Military Service)
- Boon, E. (Military Service)
- Boose, Elias (Military Service)
- Boss, Napoleon B. (Military Service)
- Bostwick, William (Military Service)
- Boswell, George B. (Military Service)
- Boyd, Elias (Military Service)
- Boyer, Jonathan Joseph (Military Service)
- Boyles, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Bradley, Henry L. (Military Service)
- Bradshaw, James W. (Military Service)
- Brant, Johnson White (Military Service)
- Brewer, David F. (Military Service)
- Brewer, Dennis (Military Service)
- Bricker, Conrad (Military Service)
- Bridges, Albert B. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, Henry A. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, John Lewis (Military Service)
- Bristow, Alfred Harrison (Military Service)
- Brown, Elcana (Military Service)
- Browne, Albert G. (Military Service)
- Brunkhorst, Conrad (Military Service)
- Bryan, Daniel (Military Service)
- Bryan, Ephraim M. (Military Service)
- Bryan, John L. (Military Service)
- Bryan, Lafayette (Military Service)
- Bryan, William H. (Military Service)
- Bryant, Cyrus (Military Service)
- Bryant, Quinten J. (Military Service)
- Buck, Henry Fisher 'Fish' (Military Service)
- Bullard, William Henry Harrison (Military Service)
- Bunch, Joseph (Military Service)
- Bunn, Russell Bigelow (Military Service)
- Burgess, William Thornton (Military Service)
- Burton, Alexander John (Military Service)
- Burton, Joseph Odell (Military Service)
- Burton, Melkert Helmer (Military Service)
- Bussard, Nathan D. (Military Service)
- Bussard, Nathan T. (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, ? (Military Service)
- Butler, George (Military Service)
- Butler, John (Military Service)
- Byer, William J. (Military Service)
- Byrne, Charles Hanriford (Military Service)
- Cambron, James (Military Service)
- Cambron, Richard Alfred (Military Service)
- Campbell, J.B. (Military Service)
- Campbell, Louis E. (Military Service)
- Cannon, Isaac Newton (Military Service)
- Carder, John J. (Military Service)
- Carpenter, William (Military Service)
- Carter, Parkson (Military Service)
- Carter, Roley I. (Military Service)
- Cash, Henry (Military Service)
- Cazadd, George Wheeler (Military Service)
- Cazadd, William (Military Service)
- Chaffin, Reuben (Military Service)
- Chambliss, Joel Henry (Military Service)
- Chaney, Richard (Military Service)
- Chaney, Thomas A. (Military Service)
- Chapman, James H. (Military Service)
- Chapman, John W. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, James M. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, John E. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, Onis O. (Military Service)
- Chesley, Hiram Henry (Military Service)
- Clark, James W. (Military Service)
- Clark, John W. (Military Service)
- Clevy, Thomas (Military Service)
- Clingingsmith, Alfred (Military Service)
- Cluxton, William Green (Military Service)
- Cogswell, Joel William (Military Service)
- Cogswell, John B. (Military Service)
- Coil, Henry Harrison (Military Service)
- Colclasure, Samuel Wilshire Sr. (Military Service)
- Colclasure, William R. Stalcap (Military Service)
- Collins, George S. (Military Service)
- Combs, William (Military Service)
- Conley, Alfred (Military Service)
- Conley, James (Military Service)
- Connerly, James (Military Service)
- Cook, H.H. (Military Service)
- Cook, Ira (Military Service)
- Cook, Wiatt (Military Service)
- Cook, William (Military Service)
- Cooper, George H. (Military Service)
- Cooper, Spencer F. (Military Service)
- Copas, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Copeland, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Copelin, Isaac (Military Service)
- Corder, Elijah C. (Military Service)
- Corder, John J. (Military Service)
- Corder, William Bryan (Military Service)
- Corry, Elias C. (Military Service)
- Corry, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Corson, Russell (Military Service)
- Cotterell, John (Military Service)
- Courtwright, John (Military Service)
- Crackel, Michael (Military Service)
- Craig, James T. (Military Service)
- Craig, John W. (Military Service)
- Crane, Benjamin N. (Military Service)
- Creek, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Creekmur, Edmond Naney (Military Service)
- Culbertson, Tucker Williamson (Military Service)
- Cumpson, George (Military Service)
- Curtright, Samuel George (Military Service)
- David, William (Military Service)
- Davis, John A. (Military Service)
- Davis, William (Military Service)
- Deabler, Daniel (Military Service)
- Decker, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Dehart, Lee (Military Service)
- Deisher, Jacob Morgan (Military Service)
- Denby, John J. (Military Service)
- Denby, Thomas H. Jr. (Military Service)
- Denton, Benjamin (Military Service)
- Depositer, C.W. (Military Service)
- Devore, David J. (Military Service)
- Devore, William J. (Military Service)
- Dickens, Jehu (Military Service)
- Dorsett, Henry Clay (Military Service)
- Dow, Peter B. (Military Service)
- DuBois, Treat Stanton (Military Service)
- Duker, Casper (Military Service)
- Dunham, Ira Lindsy (Military Service)
- Duzan, E. W. (Military Service)
- Easley, Pleasant A. (Military Service)
- Eastin, Nicholas (Military Service)
- Eastlick, Sylvester (Military Service)
- Eden, William (Military Service)
- Edmondson, William F. (Military Service)
- Edwards, Charles F. (Military Service)
- Edwards, Isaac Wright (Military Service)
- Elliott, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Elrod, Stephen (Military Service)
- Elston, Bluford (Military Service)
- Emery, George D. (Military Service)
- Emery, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Engledow, William C. (Military Service)
- Erskine, Thomas (Military Service)
- Erwin, John (Military Service)
- Ewing, William D. (Military Service)
- Fancher, James W. (Military Service)
- Farran, William Allen Kitchell (Military Service)
- Fehrenbacher, Benhard (Military Service)
- Fields, George Washington (Military Service)
- Finnell, George Thomas (Military Service)
- Finnell, James Beans (Military Service)
- Finnell, John William (Military Service)
- Finnell, Robert Jones (Military Service)
- Fisher, John (Military Service)
- Fisher, Uriah (Military Service)
- Fopay, Charles L. (Military Service)
- Fopay, Frederick (Military Service)
- Foreman, Stephen C. (Military Service)
- Forth, J. M. (Military Service)
- Frank, Nickolaus (Military Service)
- Frank, Samuel Luther (Military Service)
- Franklin, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Franks, William Harvey (Military Service)
- Freeman, William Henry (Military Service)
- Fulfer, Richard Johnson (Military Service)
- Fulk, George Washington (Military Service)
- Gahan, John William (Military Service)
- Gard, Robert Scott (Military Service)
- Gavin, Ludovic (Military Service)
- Gee, John W. (Military Service)
- George, Andrew (Military Service)
- Gibbs, Robert L. (Military Service)
- Gill, J. W. (Military Service)
- Glardon, James Frederick (Military Service)
- Goad, Peter Henry (Military Service)
- Golden, Drury Sr. (Military Service)
- Golden, Elisha (Military Service)
- Golden, John J. (Military Service)
- Golden, Stephen (Military Service)
- Golden, Wesley (Military Service)
- Gould, Theoren (Military Service)
- Graham, Alexander E. 'Alex' (Military Service)
- Gray, Robert (Military Service)
- Green, Thomas W. (Military Service)
- Green, William (Military Service)
- Greenwood, George A. (Military Service)
- Greenwood, Isaac Lee (Military Service)
- Griffin, Robert David (Military Service)
- Grove, John Gladdin (Military Service)
- Gubberly, B.V. (Military Service)
- Hagle, Dios Corides (Military Service)
- Hail, Nathan Talbert (Military Service)
- Hale, John W. (Military Service)
- Hall, Bluford (Military Service)
- Hall, Silas W. (Military Service)
- Halterman, Andrew K. (Military Service)
- Hamilton, Barney M. (Military Service)
- Hance, James Gordon (Military Service)
- Handley, Isaac E. (Military Service)
- Handley, William McGinnis (Military Service)
- Hanks, Thomas Price (Military Service)
- Hanley, John H. (Military Service)
- Hanna, Aaron (Military Service)
- Hardin, John S. (Military Service)
- Hardin, Peter B. (Military Service)
- Hardin, Silas (Military Service)
- Hardy, David H. (Military Service)
- Hargrave, William C. (Military Service)
- Harmon, Andrew John 'Andy' (Military Service)
- Harmon, John (Military Service)
- Harper, James (Military Service)
- Harper, Joseph F. (Military Service)
- Harrell, James M. (Military Service)
- Harris, Warren H. (Military Service)
- Harrison, Moses M. (Military Service)
- Harrison, William A. (Military Service)
- Hartsey, Joseph (Military Service)
- Hasler, Christian Charles (Military Service)
- Hearst, R. (Military Service)
- Hedrick, Andrew Lafayette 'Lafe' (Military Service)
- Hedrick, George Franklin (Military Service)
- Hefton, Andrew J. (Military Service)
- Henderson, Calvin 'Cal' (Military Service)
- Henderson, Wiley L. (Military Service)
- Herdes, Joseph (Military Service)
- Herman, Francis Marion (Military Service)
- Herron, Joseph (Military Service)
- Higginson, Edward (Military Service)
- Hilton, William Henry (Military Service)
- Hinman, Benjamin Lewis (Military Service)
- Hoard, William Henry (Military Service)
- Holeman, Robert (Military Service)
- Holler, John (Military Service)
- Holman, Amos (Military Service)
- Holman, Harman (Military Service)
- Holman, John (Military Service)
- Holman, Samuel (Military Service)
- Holmes, J. (Military Service)
- Hopkins, William (Military Service)
- Hord, William A. (Military Service)
- Hornick, Charles E. (Military Service)
- Hostetler, Amos (Military Service)
- Hough, Abraham (Military Service)
- Howell, Samuel (Military Service)
- Howland, Henry Wharton (Military Service)
- Hubner, Andrew (Military Service)
- Hudelson, John Caldwell (Military Service)
- Hudelson, Robert C. (Military Service)
- Hudson, William M. (Military Service)
- Humphreys, John S. (Military Service)
- Hundley, Eugene M. (Military Service)
- Hunley, Archibald Henry 'Arch' (Military Service)
- Hurst, John Rhynard (Military Service)
- Ingling, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Ingraham, Dorman (Military Service)
- Ingraham, William J. (Military Service)
- Ingraham, Winfield Scott (Military Service)
- Inman, Cyprian Jr. (Military Service)
- Jackson, Cornelius Newell (Military Service)
- Jackson, James S. (Military Service)
- Jackson, Julius C. (Military Service)
- James, Charles Winks (Military Service)
- Jamison, John (Military Service)
- Jauch, Jacob (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Alex M. (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Benjamin F. (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Frederick (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Harrison M. (Military Service)
- Johnson, John Anderson (Military Service)
- Joliffe, Joseph H. (Military Service)
- Jones, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Jones, John M. (Military Service)
- Jones, Joseph Blackwell (Military Service)
- Jones, Milton Emery (Military Service)
- Jones, Robert Clement (Military Service)
- Jones, Silas (Military Service)
- Jordan, Frederick W. (Military Service)
- Kearney, William Henry (Military Service)
- Kelsoe, Cornelius P. (Military Service)
- Kenley, Newton S. (Military Service)
- Kennedy, Samuel A. (Military Service)
- Kenner, Jehu (Military Service)
- Kepley, Thomas William (Military Service)
- Kesler, David (Military Service)
- Kettler, Herman Henry (Military Service)
- Kincaid, Stephen (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Emanuel (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Joseph Addison (Military Service)
- Kinney, Jess (Military Service)
- Kirkpatrick, J. W. (Military Service)
- Kiser, Albert R. (Military Service)
- Kittle, George (Military Service)
- Kluthe, Frederich Wilhelm (Military Service)
- Knoles, James M. (Military Service)
- Knoles, James R. (Military Service)
- Knowles, Logan (Military Service)
- Kock, William (Military Service)
- Kronk, Josiah W. (Military Service)
- Kurtz, Henry R. (Military Service)
- Lake, Daniel (Military Service)
- Lake, James Polk (Military Service)
- Land, John H. (Military Service)
- Landreth, Allen (Military Service)
- Landstrom, John (Military Service)
- Lappin, George S. (Military Service)
- Lawrence, John (1933192)
- Lawrence, John (Military Service)
- Lawson, John Pleasant (Military Service)
- Leathers, J.W.
- Leathers, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Lee, Andrew Jackson 'A. J.' (Military Service)
- Lee, Harry H. (Military Service)
- Lee, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Lee, John Turner (Military Service)
- Lee, Silas H. (Military Service)
- Lemon, John (Military Service)
- Lents, John Jacob 'Jake' (Military Service)
- Lents, Jonathan Seals (Military Service)
- Leonard, Nicholas Barger (Military Service)
- Letsinger, Lewis P. (Military Service)
- Lewis, Berry (Military Service)
- Lewis, David (Military Service)
- Lewis, Edmond Asbury (Military Service)
- Lewis, J. (Military Service)
- Lewis, Moses Newton (Military Service)
- Lewis, Obediah W. (Military Service)
- Lewis, William (Military Service)
- Limes, James (Military Service)
- Linch, George (Military Service)
- Lindly, Thomas T. (Military Service)
- Lister, Samuel G. (Military Service)
- Livingston, John C. (Military Service)
- Lockhart, John (Military Service)
- Logan, Isaac (Military Service)
- Logan, Robert Riley (Military Service)
- Long, Benjamin Harriman (Military Service)
- Lough, John C. (Military Service)
- Lough, Peter Marcellus (Military Service)
- Louis, J. T. (Military Service)
- Loy, William H. (Military Service)
- Luke, William David (Military Service)
- Luse, Joseph (Military Service)
- Madden, John Simmons (Military Service)
- Maiden, J. N. (Military Service)
- Manker, John W. (Military Service)
- Manning, James Henry (Military Service)
- Marshall, James R. (Military Service)
- Marshall, Levi G. (Military Service)
- Marshall, Squire (Military Service)
- Martin, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Martin, John C. (Military Service)
- Martin, William (Military Service)
- Mason, John Thomas (Military Service)
- Mattox, Joseph (Military Service)
- Maxwell, H. W. (Military Service)
- Maxwell, James R. (Military Service)
- McAnully, John D. (Military Service)
- McCormick, W. H. (Military Service)
- McCracken, Henry (Military Service)
- McCracken, John James (Military Service)
- McCracken, Thomas (Military Service)
- McCracken, William Nelson (Military Service)
- McCrary, Jonathan (Military Service)
- McDonald, Thompson (Military Service)
- McElyea, Wilford (Military Service)
- McEndree, Aaron (Military Service)
- McEndree, David V. (Military Service)
- McGilton, Jonathan (Military Service)
- McIlvain, James E. (Military Service)
- McIlvain, Panter (Military Service)
- McKendre, Richard (Military Service)
- McKinney, Jerry 'Jere' (Military Service)
- McKinney, Robert P. (Military Service)
- McKnelly, Crawford Solomon (Military Service)
- Meadows, Joel Nelson (Military Service)
- Medley, Benjamin A. (Military Service)
- Mefford, George W. (Military Service)
- Melton, Christopher Columbus 'Chris' (Military Service)
- Michels, Louis A. (Military Service)
- Miller, Aaron (Military Service)
- Miller, Crawford C. (Military Service)
- Miller, James Edward (Military Service)
- Miller, Joseph (Military Service)
- Miller, Solomon T. (Military Service)
- Mills, Hugh H. (Military Service)
- Mills, Israel (Military Service)
- Mitchell, John E. (Military Service)
- Modlin, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Monical, Christopher C. (Military Service)
- Monical, George William (Military Service)
- Monical, William T. (Military Service)
- Monroe, John R. (Military Service)
- Montgomery, James Thomas (Military Service)
- Montoney, William Harrison (Military Service)
- Moore, Pallas K. (Military Service)
- Moots, Abraham (Military Service)
- Morris, Alfred Green (Military Service)
- Moseley, John David 'J. D.' (Military Service)
- Mullins, John Dyer (Military Service)
- Murphy, James (Military Service)
- Murray, James (Military Service)
- Musgrove, John B. (Military Service)
- Nagel, Ernest (Military Service)
- Nash, Thomas (Military Service)
- Nay, Wesley C. (Military Service)
- Neff, Adam Jefferson (Military Service)
- Nihart, Conrad (Military Service)
- Nully, Sanford (Military Service)
- O'Dell, John H. (Military Service)
- O'Dell, William Henry (Military Service)
- Oaster, Benjamin (Military Service)
- Oaster, John (Military Service)
- Odell, Aden G. (Military Service)
- Odell, Aden G. (Military Service)
- Oglesby, Jacob H. (Military Service)
- Oglesby, James Madison (Military Service)
- Oglesby, Samuel Kennedy (Military Service)
- Ooton, Aaron (Military Service)
- Ooton, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Ooton, John (Military Service)
- Ooton, Silas (Military Service)
- Orman, George W. (Military Service)
- Paden, Stephen Ray (Military Service)
- Padgett, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Paine, Samuel Estabrook (Military Service)
- Park, Edmund Calvin Botsworth (Military Service)
- Patterson, George Clover (Military Service)
- Patterson, Nicholas J. (Military Service)
- Patterson, R. M. (Military Service)
- Payne, George William (Military Service)
- Payne, Johnathan
- Payne, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Payne, William Henry (Military Service)
- Peak, Joseph S. (Military Service)
- Peirce, John Adrian (Military Service)
- Peirce, Thomas O. (Military Service)
- Perkins, David (Military Service)
- Perry, John (Military Service)
- Phelps, Henry M. (Military Service)
- Phillips, John S. (Military Service)
- Pickthall, Thomas (Military Service)
- Pishall, Lemuel W. (Military Service)
- Pishall, Samuel H. (Military Service)
- Pixley, Isaac (Military Service)
- Porter, David K. (Military Service)
- Porter, William Wallace (Military Service)
- Potter, George (Military Service)
- Pridemore, Andrew Jackson Jr. (Military Service)
- Pridemore, Andrew Jackson Sr. (Military Service)
- Prosser, John (Military Service)
- Pugh, John (Military Service)
- Purcell, Oliver W. (Military Service)
- Ragsdale, James Mayo (Military Service)
- Ranes, James Henry (Military Service)
- Ranes, Robert Edgar (Military Service)
- Ray, Nathan (Military Service)
- Redman, R. G. (Military Service)
- Reece, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Reece, William (Military Service)
- Renick, George W. (Military Service)
- Renick, Silas (Military Service)
- Rexroad, John W. (Military Service)
- Rice, Clayborne Peter (Military Service)
- Rice, Thomas General Harrison (Military Service)
- Richards, George W. (Military Service)
- Richardson, Marion D. (Military Service)
- Riggs, Henry V. (Military Service)
- Rinehart, Lewis (Military Service)
- Rinnert, John Joannis (Military Service)
- Roberts, James H. (Military Service)
- Roberts, Jesse (Military Service)
- Roberts, Jonathon (Military Service)
- Roberts, Theodore (Military Service)
- Roberts, William (Military Service)
- Robertson, W. E. (Military Service)
- Robinson, Alexander (Military Service)
- Rogers, Lot S. (Military Service)
- Rogers, William Noah (Military Service)
- Rose, William H. (Military Service)
- Rothrock, Permane E. (Military Service)
- Roush, George Washington (Military Service)
- Rubins, George (Military Service)
- Rude, James K. (Military Service)
- Rusher, Nathaniel (Military Service)
- Rusk, Edmond B. (Military Service)
- Rusk, James M. (Military Service)
- Rusk, Jonathan 'John' (Military Service)
- Rusk, Thomas J. (Military Service)
- Rutter, Nathaniel Sample (Military Service)
- Sabin, Morgan Louis (Military Service)
- Sackrider, Allen (Military Service)
- Sager, George S. (Military Service)
- Sailor, Thomas M (Military Service)
- Satterfield, John William (Military Service)
- Schilt, Jacob 'Jake' (Military Service)
- Schmidt, Gustave T. (Military Service)
- Schooley, Orlando Devere Sr. (Military Service)
- Schooley, Palemon (Military Service)
- Schott, Samuel (Military Service)
- Self, Josephus (Military Service)
- Sellers, Samuel (Military Service)
- Shadle, Aaron Dillon (Military Service)
- Sheridan, John F. (Military Service)
- Shinn, Edmund Stephen (Military Service)
- Shinn, Luther Calvin (Military Service)
- Shock, John (Military Service)
- Shore, Andrew Jackson (Military Service)
- Shore, Francis Marion (Military Service)
- Shriner, Silas (Military Service)
- Siewere, Joseph B. (Military Service)
- Slack, William (Military Service)
- Slover, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Smith, Charles (Military Service)
- Smith, Elias (Military Service)
- Smith, J.B. (Military Service)
- Smith, James B. 'Jimmie' (Military Service)
- Smith, John R. (Military Service)
- Smith, Nathan P. (Military Service)
- Smith, Thomas Clinton (Military Service)
- Smith, William Martin (Military Service)
- Snelling, John W. (Military Service)
- Songer, Frederick Wesley (Military Service)
- Songer, James F. (Military Service)
- Soules, David Neer 'Davy' (Military Service)
- Sparling, Michael (Military Service)
- Spencer, William H. (Military Service)
- Spicer, Oliver Franklin (Military Service)
- Sprinkle, Michael G. 'Nix' (Military Service)
- St. John, Francis M. (Military Service)
- St. John, John (Military Service)
- Stadtmiller, George (Military Service)
- Stanford, Austin W. (Military Service)
- Stanford, David (Military Service)
- Stanley, John Christopher (Military Service)
- Stephenson, William J. (Military Service)
- Sternes, Norman (Military Service)
- Stine, Abraham (Military Service)
- Stockwell, George Warren (Military Service)
- Stover, Augustus P. (Military Service)
- Stover, Joel (Military Service)
- Strickland, David (Military Service)
- Stroud, Jacob (Military Service)
- Struble, Abram (Military Service)
- Stull, Erhart (Military Service)
- Sullivan, Alfred A. (Military Service)
- Sullivan, Charles H. (Military Service)
- Sutton, Jesse (Military Service)
- Tanner, James M. (Military Service)
- Tate, Alexander (Military Service)
- Tate, Samuel Allen (Military Service)
- Taylor, Benjamin Bradford (Military Service)
- Taylor, Edmond S. (Military Service)
- Taylor, Stephen (Military Service)
- Taylor, William H. (Military Service)
- Terry, John A. (Military Service)
- Thomas, L. W. (Military Service)
- Thompson, John T. (Military Service)
- Thornton, Charles G. (Military Service)
- Tilley, David Green (Military Service)
- Tolbert, Odell (Military Service)
- Toliver, Francis M. (Military Service)
- Toliver, John H. (Military Service)
- Toliver, John H. (Military Service)
- Tompkins, Ransom (Military Service)
- Travers, Joseph (Military Service)
- Travers, Thomas (Military Service)
- Travis, Noah Kendall (Military Service)
- Trimmer, James W. (Military Service)
- Tuck, Alexander (Military Service)
- Tucker, David L. (Military Service)
- Tucker, John E. (Military Service)
- Tully, Joseph E. (Military Service)
- Tully, William Paine
- Turner, Enoch Preston (Military Service)
- Utterback, Menville T. (Military Service)
- Utterback, Upton Cornealius (Military Service)
- Van Fossan, Alexander (Military Service)
- Van Fossan, David (Military Service)
- Van Tine, Alfred Chesebrough (Military Service)
- Vandaveer, Charles H. (Military Service)
- Vaughn, Robert F. (Military Service)
- Veteran, Unknown Civil War (Military Service)
- Veteran, Unknown Civil War (Military Service)
- Vickrey, Jessie (Military Service)
- Vickrey, Littleton (Military Service)
- Viskniskki, Thomas (Military Service)
- Walk, Samuel Phillip (Military Service)
- Walker, Samuel A (Military Service)
- Wallace, James Franklin (Military Service)
- Walser, Gaither Charles (Military Service)
- Walser, Hiram Herman (Military Service)
- Walters, John W. (Military Service)
- Ward, William Billington (Military Service)
- Warmoth, Edwin B. (Military Service)
- Warren, Timothy Titus 'Tim' (Military Service)
- Waterman, Silas W. (Military Service)
- Watson, Henry S. (Military Service)
- Wattles, David Frost (Military Service)
- Weaver, David (Military Service)
- Weaver, W. (Military Service)
- Weaver, William Isaac (Military Service)
- Webster, Levi R. (Military Service)
- Webster, Noah (_FGRAVE)
- Weiler, Jacob (Military Service)
- Weiler, John (Military Service)
- Weyl, Henry J. (Military Service)
- White, John B. (Military Service)
- White, Reuben M. (Military Service)
- Whitman, Conrad Storms (Military Service)
- Whitman, Conrad Storms (Military Service)
- Whittington, Elisha (Military Service)
- Wilcox, Joseph Franklin (Military Service)
- Wilcoxen, Elijah (Military Service)
- Williams, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Williams, Henry Lafayette (Military Service)
- Williams, Samuel (Military Service)
- Williams, Thomas G. (Military Service)
- Williams, William (Military Service)
- Williams, William L. 'Billy' (Military Service)
- Willis, Jesse Franklin (_FGRAVE)
- Wilson, George W. (Military Service)
- Wilson, Stephen M. (Military Service)
- Wiltsey, James Loren (Military Service)
- Winans, Wilson C. (Military Service)
- Windle, William F. (Military Service)
- Wist, R.L. (Military Service)
- Wolf, Leonard D. (Military Service)
- Wood, Alfred S. (Military Service)
- Wood, James B. (Military Service)
- Wood, John (Military Service)
- Wyatt, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Wyatt, William Franklin (Military Service)
- Young, William Jasper (Military Service)
3 Mar 2025 |
 | 11th Missouri Volunteer Infantry |
- Babcock, James W. (Military Service)
- Bryant, Cyrus (Military Service)
- Burton, Melkert Helmer (Military Service)
- Butler, George (Military Service)
- Chasteen, Onis O. (Military Service)
- Colclasure, William R. Stalcap (Military Service)
- Engledow, William C. (Military Service)
- Erwin, John (Military Service)
- Gavin, Ludovic (Military Service)
- Greenwood, George A. (Military Service)
- Hagle, Dios Corides (Military Service)
- Halterman, Andrew K. (Military Service)
- Jordan, Frederick W. (Military Service)
- Lawson, John Pleasant (Military Service)
- McKinney, Jerry 'Jere' (Military Service)
- Smith, Charles (Military Service)
- Taylor, Edmond S. (Military Service)
2 Mar 2025 |
 | Civil War Veterans Buried in Clay County, Illinois_0027.jpg
Compiled by Les Higgason
2 Mar 2025 |
 | Clay County Civil War Veterans
A Virtual Cemetery Created By Ewood Sexton
- Clay County, Illinois
- Ackison, Crawford F. (Military Service)
- Adams, James Harris (Military Service)
- Adduddell, John Francis (Military Service)
- Alexander, Silas G. (Military Service)
- Allgood, Samuel (Military Service)
- Arnold, David (Military Service)
- Atchison, William Riley (Military Service)
- Austin, Della A. (Military Service)
- Babcock, James W. (Military Service)
- Baity, Enos (Military Service)
- Baity, John (Military Service)
- Baldwin, Eli M. (Military Service)
- Barnes, George W. (Military Service)
- Bartholomew, John (Military Service)
- Bass, John S. (Military Service)
- Bassett, Robert (Military Service)
- Bayler, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Beal, Andrew King (Military Service)
- Beard, William (Military Service)
- Bennett, Emery (Military Service)
- Benskin, Wesley John (Military Service)
- Berry, Joseph B. (Military Service)
- Birch, Samuel Wesley (Military Service)
- Blackburn, Eli Jasper (Military Service)
- Blacklidge, John R. (Military Service)
- Blair, David (Military Service)
- Blair, Jesse (Military Service)
- Blair, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Blair, William 'Farmer' (Military Service)
- Blanchard, Thomas (Military Service)
- Bochner, John (Military Service)
- Bonner, Thomas H. (Military Service)
- Boose, Elias (Military Service)
- Boswell, George B. (Military Service)
- Boyd, Elias (Military Service)
- Boyer, Jonathan Joseph (Military Service)
- Boyles, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Bradley, Henry L. (Military Service)
- Brant, Johnson White (Military Service)
- Brewer, David F. (Military Service)
- Brewer, Dennis (Military Service)
- Bridges, Albert B. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, Henry A. (Military Service)
- Brissenden, John Lewis (Military Service)
- Brown, Elcana (Military Service)
- Brown, James Deacon (Military Service)
- Browne, Albert G. (Military Service)
- Brunkhorst, Conrad (Military Service)
- Bryan, Daniel (Military Service)
- Bryan, Ephraim M. (Military Service)
- Bryan, John L. (Military Service)
- Bryan, Lafayette (Military Service)
- Bryant, Cyrus (Military Service)
- Buck, Henry Fisher 'Fish' (Military Service)
- Bullard, William Henry Harrison (Military Service)
- Bunch, Joseph (Military Service)
- Burgess, William Thornton (Military Service)
- Burton, Alexander John (Military Service)
- Burton, Joseph Odell (Military Service)
- Burton, Melkert Helmer (Military Service)
- Byer, William J. (Military Service)
- Byrne, Charles Hanriford (Military Service)
- Cambron, James (Military Service)
- Cambron, Richard Alfred (Military Service)
- Campbell, Louis E. (Military Service)
- Cannon, Isaac Newton (Military Service)
- Carpenter, William (Military Service)
- Cash, Henry (Military Service)
- Cazadd, George Wheeler (Military Service)
- Chambliss, Joel Henry (Military Service)
- Chaney, Thomas A. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, James M. (Military Service)
- Chasteen, Onis O. (Military Service)
- Chesley, Hiram Henry (Military Service)
- Clark, James W. (Military Service)
- Cogswell, Joel William (Military Service)
- Cogswell, John B. (Military Service)
- Coil, Henry Harrison (Military Service)
- Colclasure, Samuel Wilshire Sr. (Military Service)
- Colclasure, William R. Stalcap (Military Service)
- Collins, George S. (Military Service)
- Conley, Alfred (Military Service)
- Conley, James (Military Service)
- Connerly, James (Military Service)
- Cook, Ira (769521)
- Cook, Wiatt (Military Service)
- Cooper, George H. (Military Service)
- Copas, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Copeland, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Copelin, Isaac (Military Service)
- Corder, Elijah C. (Military Service)
- Corder, John J. (Military Service)
- Corder, William Bryan (Military Service)
- Corry, Elias C. (Military Service)
- Corry, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Corson, Russell (Military Service)
- Crackel, Michael (Military Service)
- Craig, James T. (Military Service)
- Creek, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Creekmur, Edmond Naney (Military Service)
- Culbertson, Tucker Williamson (Military Service)
- Cumpson, George (Military Service)
- Cunningham, James F. (Military Service)
- Cunningham, Sherman (Military Service)
- Curtright, Samuel George (Military Service)
- David, William (Military Service)
- Davis, John A. (Military Service)
- Deabler, Daniel (Military Service)
- Denby, John J. (Military Service)
- Denton, Benjamin (Military Service)
- Dickens, Jehu (Military Service)
- Dorsett, Henry Clay (Military Service)
- Dow, Peter B. (Military Service)
- Dueker, Casper (Military Service)
- Duff, James Newton (Military Service)
- Duzan, E. W. (Military Service)
- Eastin, Nicholas (Military Service)
- Edwards, Charles F. (Military Service)
- Edwards, Isaac Wright (Military Service)
- Elliott, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Elston, Bluford (Military Service)
- Emery, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Engledow, William C. (Military Service)
- Erskine, Thomas (Military Service)
- Erwin, John (Military Service)
- Etchison, Benjamin W. (Military Service)
- Etchison, Nathaniel C. (Military Service)
- Eytchison, Jesse W. (Military Service)
- Fopay, Charles L. (Military Service)
- Fopay, Frederick (Military Service)
- Foreman, Stephen C. (Military Service)
- Forth, J. M. (Military Service)
- Frank, Nickolaus (Military Service)
- Frank, Samuel Luther (Military Service)
- Franklin, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Freeman, William Henry (Military Service)
- Fulfer, Richard Johnson (Military Service)
- Gahan, John William (Military Service)
- Gavin, Ludovic (Military Service)
- Gee, John W. (Military Service)
- George, Andrew (Military Service)
- Gill, J. W. (Military Service)
- Glardon, James Frederick (Military Service)
- Goad, Peter Henry (Military Service)
- Golden, Drury Sr. (Military Service)
- Golden, Elisha (Military Service)
- Golden, John J. (Military Service)
- Golden, Stephen (Military Service)
- Golden, Wesley (Military Service)
- Gould, Theoren (Military Service)
- Graham, Alexander E. 'Alex' (Military Service)
- Gray, Robert (Military Service)
- Green, Thomas W. (Military Service)
- Greenwood, George A. (Military Service)
- Greenwood, Isaac Lee (Military Service)
- Griffin, Edward (Military Service)
- Griffin, Robert David (Military Service)
- Grove, John Gladdin (Military Service)
- Hagle, Dios Corides (Military Service)
- Hail, Nathan Talbert (Military Service)
- Hall, Bluford (Military Service)
- Hall, Silas W. (Military Service)
- Halterman, Andrew K. (Military Service)
- Hamilton, Barney M. (Military Service)
- Hance, James Gordon (Military Service)
- Handley, Isaac E. (Military Service)
- Handley, William McGinnis (Military Service)
- Hanley, John H. (Military Service)
- Hardin, Silas (Military Service)
- Hardy, David H. (Military Service)
- Hargrave, William C. (Military Service)
- Harper, James (Military Service)
- Harper, Joseph F. (Military Service)
- Harrell, James M. (Military Service)
- Harris, Warren H. (Military Service)
- Hartsey, Joseph (Military Service)
- Hefton, Andrew J. (Military Service)
- Herman, Francis Marion (Military Service)
- Herron, Joseph (Military Service)
- Higginson, Edward (Military Service)
- Hinman, Benjamin Lewis (Military Service)
- Holeman, Robert (Military Service)
- Holler, John (Military Service)
- Holman, Harman (Military Service)
- Holman, Samuel (Military Service)
- Hopkins, William (Military Service)
- Hostetler, Amos (Military Service)
- Hough, Abraham (Military Service)
- Howell, Samuel (Military Service)
- Howland, Henry Wharton (Military Service)
- Hubner, Andrew (Military Service)
- Hudelson, John Caldwell (Military Service)
- Hudelson, Robert C. (Military Service)
- Humphreys, John S. (Military Service)
- Hurst, John Rhynard (Military Service)
- Ingling, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Ingraham, Dorman (Military Service)
- Ingraham, William J. (Military Service)
- Ingraham, Winfield Scott (Military Service)
- Inman, Cyprian Jr. (Military Service)
- James, Charles Winks (Military Service)
- Jamison, John (Military Service)
- Jenkins, Harrison M. (Military Service)
- Johnson, John Anderson (Military Service)
- Joliffe, Joseph H. (Military Service)
- Jones, John M. (Military Service)
- Jones, Joseph Blackwell (Military Service)
- Jones, Milton Emery (Military Service)
- Jones, Robert Clement (Military Service)
- Jones, Silas (Military Service)
- Jordan, Frederick W. (Military Service)
- Kelsoe, Cornelius P. (Military Service)
- Kennedy, Samuel A. (Military Service)
- Kenner, Jehu (Military Service)
- Kepley, Thomas William (Military Service)
- Kincaid, Stephen (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Emanuel (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Joseph Addison (Military Service)
- Kirkpatrick, J. W. (Military Service)
- Kluthe, Frederich Wilhelm (Military Service)
- Knowles, Logan (Military Service)
- Kurtz, Henry R. (Military Service)
- Land, John H. (Military Service)
- Landreth, Allen (Military Service)
- Landstrom, John (Military Service)
- Lappin, George S. (Military Service)
- Lawrence, John (Military Service)
- Lawson, John Pleasant (Military Service)
- Leathers, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Lee, Andrew Jackson 'A. J.' (Military Service)
- Lee, Harry H. (Military Service)
- Lee, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Lee, John Turner (Military Service)
- Lemon, John (Military Service)
- Lents, John Jacob 'Jake' (Military Service)
- Lents, Jonathan Seals (Military Service)
- Leonard, Nicholas Barger (Military Service)
- Letsinger, Lewis P. (Military Service)
- Lewis, David (Military Service)
- Lewis, Edmond Asbury (Military Service)
- Lewis, Moses Newton (Military Service)
- Lewis, Obediah W. (Military Service)
- Lewis, Thomas (Military Service)
- Lewis, William (Military Service)
- Limes, James (Military Service)
- Linch, George (Military Service)
- Lindly, Thomas T. (Military Service)
- Logan, Robert Riley (Military Service)
- Lough, John C. (Military Service)
- Lough, Peter Marcellus (Military Service)
- Louis, J. T. (Military Service)
- Loy, William H. (Military Service)
- Luse, Joseph (Military Service)
- Maiden, J. N. (Military Service)
- Manker, John W. (Military Service)
- Manning, James Henry (Military Service)
- Martin, Benjamin L. (Military Service)
- Martin, William (Military Service)
- Mason, John Thomas (Military Service)
- Mattox, Joseph (Military Service)
- Maxwell, H. W. (Military Service)
- Maxwell, James R. (Military Service)
- McAnully, John D. (Military Service)
- McCormick, W. H. (Military Service)
- McCrary, Jonathan (Military Service)
- McElyea, Wilford (Military Service)
- McEndree, Aaron (Military Service)
- McEndree, David V. (Military Service)
- McKendre, Richard (Military Service)
- McKinney, Jerry 'Jere' (Military Service)
- McKnelly, Crawford Solomon (Military Service)
- Mefford, George W. (Military Service)
- Melton, Christopher Columbus 'Chris' (Military Service)
- Michels, Louis A. (Military Service)
- Miller, Crawford C. (Military Service)
- Miller, Joseph (Military Service)
- Miller, Solomon T. (Military Service)
- Modlin, Benjamin Franklin (Military Service)
- Monical, George William (Military Service)
- Monical, William T. (Military Service)
- Monroe, John R. (Military Service)
- Montoney, William Harrison (Military Service)
- Moore, Pallas K. (Military Service)
- Morris, Alfred Green (Military Service)
- Murray, James (Military Service)
- Nash, Thomas (Military Service)
- Neff, Adam Jefferson (Military Service)
- O'Dell, John H. (Military Service)
- O'Dell, William Henry (Military Service)
- Oaster, Benjamin (Military Service)
- Oaster, John (Military Service)
- Oglesby, Jacob H. (Military Service)
- Oglesby, John M. (Military Service)
- Oglesby, Samuel Kennedy (Military Service)
- Ooton, Aaron (Military Service)
- Ooton, Jeremiah (Military Service)
- Ooton, John (Military Service)
- Ooton, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Ooton, Silas (Military Service)
- Ooton, Stephen (Military Service)
- Paden, Stephen Ray (Military Service)
- Paine, Samuel Estabrook (Military Service)
- Patterson, Robert M. (Military Service)
- Payne, George William (Military Service)
- Payne, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Peak, Joseph S. (Military Service)
- Peirce, Thomas O. (Military Service)
- Perkins, David (Military Service)
- Perry, John (Military Service)
- Phelps, Henry M. (Military Service)
- Phillips, John S. (Military Service)
- Pickthall, Thomas (Military Service)
- Pierce, John A. (Military Service)
- Pixley, Isaac (Military Service)
- Porter, David K. (Military Service)
- Porter, William Wallace (Military Service)
- Pridemore, Andrew Jackson Jr. (Military Service)
- Pridemore, Andrew Jackson Sr. (Military Service)
- Prosser, John (Military Service)
- Pugh, John (Military Service)
- Ranes, James Henry (Military Service)
- Ranes, Robert Edgar (Military Service)
- Ray, Nathan (Military Service)
- Redman, R. G. (Military Service)
- Reese, William (Military Service)
- Renick, George W. (Military Service)
- Renick, Silas (Military Service)
- Rexroad, John W. (Military Service)
- Rice, Clayborne Peter (Military Service)
- Rice, Thomas General Harrison (Military Service)
- Richards, George W. (Military Service)
- Riggs, Henry V. (Military Service)
- Rinehart, Lewis (Military Service)
- Roberts, James H. (Military Service)
- Roberts, Jesse (Military Service)
- Roberts, Jonathon (Military Service)
- Roberts, Theodore (Military Service)
- Roberts, William (Military Service)
- Robertson, W. E. (Military Service)
- Robinson, Alexander (Military Service)
- Rogers, William Noah (Military Service)
- Rose, William H. (Military Service)
- Roush, George Washington (Military Service)
- Rusher, Nathaniel (Military Service)
- Rusk, Edmond B. (Military Service)
- Rusk, James M. (Military Service)
- Rusk, Jonathan 'John' (Military Service)
- Rusk, Thomas J. (Military Service)
- Sabin, Morgan Louis (Military Service)
- Sackrider, Allen (Military Service)
- Sager, George S. (Military Service)
- Sailor, Thomas M (Military Service)
- Salyards, Edward M. (Military Service)
- Satterfield, John William (Military Service)
- Schmidt, Gustave T. (Military Service)
- Schooley, Orlando Devere Sr. (Military Service)
- Sellers, Samuel (Military Service)
- Shadle, Aaron Dillon (Military Service)
- Sheridan, John F. (Military Service)
- Shinn, Edmund Stephen (Military Service)
- Shinn, Luther Calvin (Military Service)
- Shore, Andrew Jackson (Military Service)
- Shriner, Silas (Military Service)
- Slover, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Smith, Charles (Military Service)
- Smith, Elias (Military Service)
- Smith, John R. (Military Service)
- Smith, William Martin (Military Service)
- Snelling, John W. (Military Service)
- Songer, James F. (Military Service)
- Sparling, Michael (Military Service)
- Spencer, William H. (Military Service)
- Stadtmiller, George (Military Service)
- Stanley, John Christopher (Military Service)
- Stephenson, William J. (Military Service)
- Sternes, Norman (Military Service)
- Stine, Abraham (774984)
- Stover, Joel (Military Service)
- Strickland, David (Military Service)
- Stroud, Jacob (Military Service)
- Sullivan, Alfred A. (Military Service)
- Sullivan, Charles H. (Military Service)
- Sutton, Jesse (Military Service)
- Tanner, James M. (Military Service)
- Tate, Samuel Allen (Military Service)
- Taylor, Benjamin Bradford (Military Service)
- Terry, John A. (Military Service)
- Thomas, L. W. (Military Service)
- Thompson, John T. (Military Service)
- Thornton, Charles G. (Military Service)
- Tilley, David Green (Military Service)
- Tolbert, Odell (Military Service)
- Toliver, John H. (Military Service)
- Toliver, John H. (Military Service)
- Tompkins, Ransom (Military Service)
- Travis, Noah Kendall (Military Service)
- Tuck, Alexander (Military Service)
- Tucker, David L. (Military Service)
- Tucker, John E. (Military Service)
- Tully, Joseph E. (Military Service)
- Turner, Enoch Preston (Military Service)
- Utterback, Upton Cornealius (Military Service)
- Van Tine, Alfred Chesebrough (Military Service)
- Vickrey, Jessie (Military Service)
- Vickrey, Littleton (Military Service)
- Walker, Samuel A (Military Service)
- Walters, John W. (Military Service)
- Warren, Timothy Titus 'Tim' (Military Service)
- Waterman, Silas W. (Military Service)
- Wattles, David Frost (Military Service)
- Webster, Levi R. (Military Service)
- Webster, Noah (Military Service)
- Whittington, Elisha (Military Service)
- Wilcox, Joseph Franklin (Military Service)
- Wilcoxen, Elijah (Military Service)
- Williams, Henry H. (Military Service)
- Williams, Henry Lafayette (Military Service)
- Williams, Samuel (Military Service)
- Williams, Thomas G. (Military Service)
- Williams, William (Military Service)
- Willis, Jesse Franklin (Military Service)
- Wilson, George W. (Military Service)
- Wilson, helby. W. (Military Service)
- Wilson, Stephen M. (Military Service)
- Winans, Wilson C. (Military Service)
- Windle, William F. (Military Service)
- Wolf, Leonard D. (Military Service)
- Wood, Alfred S. (Military Service)
- Wood, James B. (Military Service)
- Wyatt, Jonathan (Military Service)
- Wyatt, William Franklin (Military Service)
- Young, William Jasper (Military Service)
2 Mar 2025 |
 | Civil War Veterans Buried in Clay County, Illinois_0025.jpg
Compiled by Les Higgason
- Kepley, Thomas William (Military Service)
- Kincaid, Stephen (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Emanuel (Military Service)
- Kinnaman, Joseph Addison (Military Service)
- Kirkpatrick, J. W. (Military Service)
- Kluthe, Frederich Wilhelm (Military Service)
- Knowles, Logan (Military Service)
- Kurtz, Henry R. (Military Service)
- Land, John H. (Military Service)
- Landreth, Allen (Military Service)
- Landstrom, John (Military Service)
2 Mar 2025 |
 | 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment |
27 Feb 2025 |
 | 48th Illinois Infantry Regiment |
- Bassett, Robert (Military Service)
- Beal, Andrew King (Military Service)
- Beard, William (Military Service)
- Blair, Jesse (Military Service)
- Brewer, David F. (Military Service)
- Burton, Joseph Odell (Military Service)
- Clark, James W. (Military Service)
- Cogswell, Joel William (Military Service)
- Cogswell, John B. (Military Service)
- Collins, George S. (Military Service)
- Connerly, James (Military Service)
- Corder, Elijah C. (Military Service)
- Corder, William Bryan (Military Service)
- Corry, James Monroe (Military Service)
- Culbertson, Tucker Williamson (Military Service)
- Erwin, John (Military Service)
- Fields, George Washington (Military Service)
- Golden, John J. (Military Service)
- Green, Thomas W. (Military Service)
- Hardin, Silas (Military Service)
- Hudson, William M. (Military Service)
- Jamison, John (Military Service)
- Kenner, Jehu (Military Service)
- Knowles, Logan (Military Service)
- Lee, Jacob M. (Military Service)
- Limes, James (Military Service)
- Linch, George (Military Service)
- Monical, Christopher C. (Military Service)
- Mullins, John Dyer (Military Service)
- O'Dell, William Henry (Military Service)
- Slover, John Wesley (Military Service)
- Spicer, Oliver Franklin (Military Service)
- White, Reuben M. (Military Service)
- Whitman, Conrad Storms (Military Service)
27 Feb 2025 |